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Let's Get Americans Moving Out Of Their Easy Chair!

By Dr. Morgan C. Powell, President
Illinois Association Of Park Districts

(Text of speech given at LIFE. BE IN IT. Reception at Governor's Mansion.)

As President of the Illinois Association of Park Districts, and speaking to you on behalf of over 2,000 elected officials who represent over 250 park, forest preserve, and conservation districts that provide recreational opportunities for all ages throughout the State of Illinois. I welcome you all to this festive occasion.

How appropriate it is to be "kicking off" this event in the home of the Governor of this great State, James R. Thompson.

These districts actively involve the communities they serve in the productive use of leisure time, promoting physical fitness, group interaction through organized team sports. and individual development in and appreciation of the arts.

Illinois, as a leader in parks and recreation on the local level, is proud of its tradition as a state where its citizens work hard and play hard.

The "Life. Be In It." program established by the National Recreation and Park Association in 1980, is symbolic of the importance of the benefits gained through active rather than passive use of our free time, and is a phrase which stresses the fun and benefits gained by doing rather than watching.

The Board of Directors of the Illinois Association of Park Districts declares "Life. Be In It." the theme during 1983 by which to encourage all the people of Illinois to take a step towards the active use and enjoyment of their leisure time. We have asked our membership throughout the State to endorse and promote "Life. Be In it." in order to bring new faces into the parks, facilities and ongoing recreational programs.

I'm certain the recreation related businesses appreciate what we are doing for them. Over $230 million is spent for recreation each year and we want our share of those dollars to stay in Illinois for the benefit of lllinoisans.

No one is more aware than we are, of the increasing number of Americans who do not work. For the unemployed worker, some handicapped persons, and the retired citizen, the opportunity to find leisure time pursuits is absolutely vital. "Life. Be In It."seeks to inform these people that there are activities everywhere for them. This program appeals to everyone — young and old, black and white to seek out ways to make life richer. It provides through its educational campaign, dozens, indeed hundreds of options, for each and every person.

"Life. Be In It." was specifically developed to encourage people to enjoy life and have fun in these automated stressful times. As the economy plunges, as jobs become endangered. as money becomes tighter in every household, it is imperative for Americans to relax and have fun.

Webster defines "tourism" as the "practice of traveling for recreation." The Illinois Association of Park Districts emphatically supports the efforts of the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs in its campaign to promote tourism in this State.

Whether it's touring the magnificent miles of Illinois from Cahokia to Galena, jogging after work, walking around the block, getting off the bus a block earlier than usual, reading a book, or watching a concert in one of our magnificent parks. Americans need to become more active. Our goal is not to push fitness involving strenuous exercise, but rather to make people aware of the importance of being more active. The joy is in doing. Our campaign is to get the people of Illinois involved in the enjoyment of life through participation.

Let's get Americans moving and out of their easy chair! Let's re-evaluate our lives and "Be In It!"

More than 145 park and recreation professionals, legislators, and other interested individuals attended the LIFE. BE IN IT. Kickoff reception May 24 at the Governor's Mansion in Springfield. Shown is a portion of the crowd and the reception table.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   11   September/October 1983

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