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Dundee Township Park District Displays Its Wares

New "Awareness Fair" program is designed to educate the public on how important leisure is in their lives.

By Richard Grodsky*

The singin' swingin' seniors kitchen band gives a performance at the Dundee Township Park District's "Awareness Day" program.

In an age when governmental units are under the stress of intense public scrutiny, the shrinking tax base and the general demeanor of the economy, we as the representatives of local government should give our constituency every opportunity to understand the different phases of our organizational operations.

The avenues recreation agencies take to help keep residents informed are varied. Some agencies use newsletters, the electronic media, forming friends of the park groups, or by utilizing publicists. In order to help keep the Dundee Township Park District residents informed about programs and services, a relatively new concept (by our standards) of an "Awareness Fair" was instituted.

The concept of Awareness Fairs is not new. In fact, their origins can be traced back as far as the first business convention, where vendors displayed their goods and services to conventionaires.

The goal behind the Dundee Township Park District Awareness Fair is elementary. Simply stated, it is one way the commissioners and staff try to educate the public on how important leisure is in their lives.

The fair started in the Spring of 1981 as a brainstorm idea. The staff cultivated the concept and started to develop specifics which included: timing, types of exhibits and demonstrations, publicity, set-up, implementation, and evaluation.

The timing of Awareness Fair revolves around the annual Dundee Days celebration in mid-July. Dundee Days attracts many residents and by riding its coat-tails, more people are reached with the leisure message. On-lookers are encouraged to participate in the programs offered, includ-

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Illinois Parks and Recreation 16 November/December 1983

ing: aerobic exercise, golf, crafts, square dancing, martial arts, a civil war camp re-enactment, baton twirling, soccer shootout, and senior citizen's kitchen band.

Maintenance equipment, barnyard zoo animals, refreshments, dunk tank, face painting, information center (with handouts, graphs, etc.) and Park District sponsored community organizations, all help round-off the activities which last approximately three hours. The more diverse the range of activities, the wider the range of participation.

Budgetwise, the fair costs about $490.00. Most of the expenses are recouped in concession revenues. Concessions offer another service which the people really appreciate. The staff continually adds new programs and ideas to the fair as the programs and services of the District change.

It is vitally important that special care be taken so that residents are kept abreast of local government trends. Any activity that helps bring the public one step closer to agency operations makes the organization more credible. The Dundee Township Park District Awareness Fair is one of our ways to achieve that goal.

* Richard Grodsky is superintendent of Recreation at Dundee Township Park District.

Wayne Aspinall

Wayne Aspinall, who originated the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act while a congressman, died October 9 at his home in Palisade, Colo. He was 87.

As a Democratic representative from Colorado from 1948 to 1972, Aspinall sponsored legislation that brought water to the West. He was chairman of the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee for 14 years, longer than any other congressman.

In addition to authoring the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act which served as a blueprint for development of recreation areas throughout the country, Aspinall served as chief sponsor of the Colorado River Basin Project Act of 1968.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 November/December 1983

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