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Association News and Announcements


Two registrants look over some of the materials displayed at the '83 Agency Showcase during the Annual Conference.


The '83 Agency Showcase, which was displayed at the annual conference, was a real success. Congratulations are in order for all of the 72 entries. The judges, who represented the fields of marketing, communications and public relations, were very complimentary about the quality of all the entries. The following is a list of the "Best of Show" in each of the categories:

1. Single Brochure:

A. Belvidere Batavia B. Lake Forest Recreation Dept. Winnetka Community House

2. Brochure Series:

A. Urbana, Cary B. Schaumburg, Wilmette

3. Logo Series:

Fox Valley, St. Charles

4. Newsletter:

Woodridge, McHenry Parks & Rec. Dept.

5. Agency Logo:

Glen Ellyn, Palatine

6. Gift Catalog:

Lake Forest Recreation Dept., Highland Park

7. Special Events:

A. Glen Ellyn Carbondale B. Elmhurst Fox Valley

8. Special Facilities:

Des Plaines, Fox Valley


The IPRA membership directory will be mailed to all members the latter part of January. Congratulations are in order for the Publications Committee, chaired by John Joyce of the Park Forest Park and Recreation Department, for its work in compiling the data for the directory. Only voting members, who have paid their current dues prior to January 1, are listed in the directory. However, all members will receive copies. The insert of the directory this year, once again, has the Master Meeting and Continuing Education calendar for the year. This includes information from all of the sections and affiliate organizations involved with the IPRA. We hope that members will find this calendar a useful tool in planning both their own continuing education opportunities, and any statewide committee meetings that they may sponsor. The collection of this information is made possible by the efforts of the Continuing Education Clearing House which is chaired by Steve Hartman, Lisle Park District.


I am sure all of you have heard by now that we have lost a staff person. Lydia Lombardo, the former membership Services Director, has taken a position with the Arlington Heights Park District. Her talents will be missed by all the committees, sections and the office. In November the Board passed a resolution thanking Lydia for her dedication to the association. In an effort to streamline the budget for the coming year, the Board decided not to fill that particular position. Instead, they opted for contracting out some of the work while relying heavily on the volunteer committees to do the rest. While a capable professional staff is a desired quality for any association, the strength of an organization can best be determined by the fervor of its volunteers. This philosophy is the reason that IPRA is recognized as one of the top state park and recreation associations in the country.


The Public Awareness Committee has already begun work on its special events for the year. We hope you are all participating in these activities. Just to list a few of the upcoming dates:

Day with the Chicago Sting - February 25
Night with the Chicago Bulls - March 3
Day at the Ice Capades - March 14
Day at the Rodeo - April 6


The IPRA Sports and Activities Committee has a busy tournament schedule planned for this winter. The events include men's basketball, men's 12" and 16" softball, table tennis, men, women, and co-rec volleyball. If your agency has not yet received a tournament schedule, please contact the IPRA office and we will mail one to you.


I know it is hard for you to begin thinking about the 1984 Illinois Park and Recreation conference, but now is the time the committee begins planning for next year. Both IAPD and IPRA received numerous suggestions and ideas regarding topics, speakers, and events at the conference,

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Illinois Parks and Recreation 7 January/February

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but many are received too late to be included in the current program. Now is the time for members to have this input. The chairs of next year's conference are Fred Hall, Palatine Park District for IPRA, and Roger Toohey, Wheaton Park District for IAPD. The Educational Program Committee will have all of the topics finalized by no later than February 15, 1984; if you have any ideas send them to the IPRA office now.

Don't forget to "FOLLOW THE FOX" to the Forum, April 8-10, 1984, at Pheasant Run in St. Charles.

Executive Director

Illinois Parks and Recreation 27 January/February

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