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The Chrysler Assembly Plant at Belvidere.

Annexation Campaign In Belvidere Adds
Larger Tax Base For Park District
Revenue, Improves Future Outlook

By Tom Kruse

The Belvidere Park District came through with flying colors in the promotion of an annexation referendum which was a part of the November 8, 1983 non-partisan election in the community. The referendum was approved by a 3-1 margin.

The Park District was able to use Park District Code Section 3-2, amended in 1980, to include the question of annexation of commercial/industrial property, currently assessed at approximately $13 million, on the ballot. The major piece of property in question was the Belvidere Chrysler Assembly plant which was adjacent to Park District boundaries. It is believed that this action was the first test of the 1980 amendment to the Park District code.

Prior to election day, the Park District conducted a public education campaign, through all forms of media, to highlight three major points for annexation:

1) The Belvidere tax base would be expanded and spread proportionately among more property owners.

2) Additional funds generated through annexation would either abate taxes or be used to provide increased recreational services.

3) The properties in question, due to their proximity to Belvidere, reaped great benefits from the community, so should contribute their fair share to the maintenance of services to the residents of Belvidere.

Even though there were no registered voters from the areas in question, it was feared that there might be a negative campaign from Chrysler, the workers from the plant or residents who were in sympathy with Chrysler's financial condition. As election day came closer, however, it became clear that there was no organized opposition to the Park District's proposal . . . not even from the property owners.

The final vote tally showed the residents of Belvidere truly supported the Park District position. The referendum passed by better than a 3-1 margin.

The Park District followed up the successful referendum with a survey of public need through its annual attitude and interest survey and through input from the Parks Advisory Committee. Park District authorities are now considering a proposal to contact property owners for donations of land on a lease basis under provisions of H.B. 1067 which would give donors tax advantages. The principal result, however, of the referendum was the creation of a basis for dialogue with Chrysler concerning park and recreation needs of the community.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Kruse is Director of the Belvidere Park District, a position he has held since January, 1982. Previously, he was employed at park districts of Mt. Prospect, Arlington Heights, Hanover Park, and Chicago.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 29 March/April 1984

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