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Parks and Recreation

1984 Fall Conference

By Kay Kastel Forest, Conference Manager

"L.I.F.E. Leisure is for Everyone" is the theme of the 1984 Illinois Park and Recreation Conference to be held November 15-18 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Rosemont. The insert within this issue details the excellent educational sessions offered throughout the three days. The quality and selection of topics is varied to meet the myriad of interests within the leisure service field.

Members of IAPD, IPRA and the Joint Conference Committees began to formulate plans in December for this annual event. The efforts of the 30-plus volunteer committee members are coordinated this year by conference co-chairs Roger Toohey, commissioner of the Wheaton Park District, and Fred Hall, director of the Palatine Park District. The educational sessions have been developed by a committee representing all the IPRA sections and the IAPD. This task is organized by the committee's vicechairs—Karen Correll, superintendent of recreation for the Woodridge Park District, and Bill Cox, commissioner of the Palatine Park District.

This year there will be a preconference workshop for every interest. Workshops, which have a separate registration fee, are planned by each of the sections and IAPD. By now, each member should have received a registration form for the workshops. If not, please call either the IPRA or IAPD offices. Registration for these workshops is not included in the conference fees. Workshop registrations are processed through the IPRA office. Topics include "Tort Liability for Parks," "Your Job Needs You," "Effective Business Writing," "Investment in Excellence," "Small Districts—How to Cope," "The One-Minute Manager," "Maintenance—Setting Grounds Care Standards," "Breaking the Barriers of Alcoholism and Drugs with Recreation and Music Therapy," and "Effective Presentations." All of the workshops will be assigned CEU's including a special one on Saturday entitled "Evaluating Full-Time Employees—Personnel Assessment." For more details on speakers and times, please refer to the special workshop registration form.

Agency Showcase will again be displayed throughout the conference in the main lobby of the hotel. This is a premier display of agency brochures, logos, special events and activities. Agencies wishing to participate should obtain the special entry form from IPRA. Entries are due October 1. This year the showcase will be judged by experts in communications, marketing and public relations several weeks prior to the conference. Best of show entries will be announced at the exhibit's grand opening party on Thursday, November 15.

The agency intern mart will be held on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning during the conference. This is an opportunity for agencies and students who will be doing an internship to meet each other to discuss opportunities in the leisure service field. All agencies should have received a special application form for participation in the intern mart. Private and commercial agencies will also be invited to participate so students in commercial recreation have an opportunity to pursue their interests as well.

The Joint Conference Committee has approved the taping of selected sessions. It is impossible to tape all of the more than 90 educational offerings, so the committee has picked those expected to have mass appeal and which lend themselves to taping. Tapes will be available for purchase immediately following each session. Discounts will be given for multiple purchases. More information will be available during the conference.

Each agency will be sent a final copy of the conference program listing speakers, times and session locations one week prior to the start of the conference. This will be done so agencies can plan with their staffs and board members attendance at the various sessions. This will take the place of the conference newspaper which is normally distributed in late October.

The exhibit area will once again be a highlight of the conference. Several first-time exhibitors will be showing books of interest to the leisure profession, talent groups and videos available, and the newest innovations in park recreation and fitness services and equipment. We hope all delegates will take the time to browse through the exhibits and meet with the exhibitors who provide financial support to both IAPD and IPRA through their involvement.

Because the attendees' badges are computerized, we are asking agencies to register in advance. Final deadline for advance registration is October 31. Anyone whose registration is received by the IAPD office after that date is subject to a higher fee and will not receive the large computerized badge. Several of the workshops are limited in number, so make sure you send your registrations in as early as possible.

We look forward to seeing all of you at the conference and are sure that it will be an enjoyable quality educational experience. LEISURE IS FOR EVERYONE. So is the Annual Illinois Park and Recreation Conference. Plan now to attend!!

Illinois Parks and Recreation 9 September/October 1984

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