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Tourism in perspective

EDITOR: Illinois Issues' recent look at tourism in Illinois ("Tourism: making the 'happy state' richer," December 1985) was by far the most comprehensive and fairest article written to date on the topic.

The Department of Commerce and Community Affairs has been under some pressure as of late to defend its $10 million advertising campaign against premature assessments which have called for immediate results. Reporter Marc Allan should be commended for taking the time and making the effort to talk to officials in other states whose campaigns have been underway for years, as well as documenting the importance of tourism to the nation's — and Illinois' — economy. He placed Illinois' tourism budget in a perspective that has been lacking in most other articles written about the state's campaign.

Illinois is a newcomer to the aggressive, energetic competition for the tourist dollar. To compete effectively, we must build upon our existing attributes such as the world-class city of Chicago, a rich and colorful history and bountiful outdoor recreational opportunities. It takes time to spread the good word about Illinois and create a perception of our state as a travel destination. But we are off to a great start. The reward for efforts will be jobs for Illinoisans.

Michael T. Woelffer


Department of Commerce and Community Affairs

March 1986/Illinois Issues/7

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