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Public Relations Coordinator

Recognizing a need to continue to upgrade current record keeping procedures and department operations in this age of high tech and computerization, the City of Des Plaines, Illinois Police Department recently unveiled to the community of 55,374 residents a new word processor and computer system.

The new Hewlett Packard computer system operates in conjunction with the Police Department's current Police Information Management System (PIMS), the computerized information network installed in November 1982 involving thirty local law enforcement agencies which stores wanted reports, statistics and management information.

(pictured above) Des Plaines Mayor Seitz, Police Chief Kozenczak and Alderman Zanca gather around the new computer system as the Chief's Secretary Pain Retzke demonstrates how the system works. (photo by K. Henrikson)

The system, which includes a letter quality printer and word processor, will be used to compile personnel reports, training records, squad maintenance reports, annual report information, manpower schedules, and standardized forms and letters. The system will reduce the time involved in retrieving information and developing department communications.

With the proper attachments the computer also has capabilities of providing management information such as detailed graphs and charts visually depicting statistics on local crime, trends, etc.

A LaserJet printer allows documents to be printed at eight pages per minute on several paper sizes and types including labels, colored paper and overhead transparency film.

Currently, the deputy police chief and the chief's secretary have attended computer training courses at the local junior college, Oakton Community College. Five additional administrative and staff personnel have been scheduled for training for the upcoming year. The computer system, currently maintained in the secretary to the police chief's office, is accessible and utilized primarily, for the time being by the chief's secretary.

According to Police Chief Kozenczak, "The new computer system will allow the Des Plaines Police Department to operate more effectively and, essentially, serve the community more efficiently through streamlined communications and improved access to records. In a community the size of Des Plaines, it's important that emergency service operations be continually updated and improved wherever possible."

A formal press conference, called by Des Plaines Mayor John E. Seitz and Police Chief Kozenczak, was held in the police chief's office for the purpose of unveiling the new computer system. In addition to the members of the local media, aldermen on the city's public safety committee, attended the press conference. At that time the press observed a demonstration on the computer system and was allowed to ask questions regarding the equipment,

For additional information on the department's computer contact Police Chief Joseph R. Kozenczak, Des Plaines Police Department, 1420 Miner St., Des Plaines, Illinois 60016, (312) 391-5450. •

Page 8 / Illinois Municipal Review / June 1986

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