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In Our Opinion . . .

Recreation Conference challenges our commitment

We're about to make history! When Gov. Jim Thompson convenes his Conference on the Economic Significance of Recreation in April, it will be the first time that Illinois examines the impact our profession has on the lives of the State's residents.

Elected State and local officials; academicians; consultants; professional planners; recreation industry representatives, and directors, commissioners and staff from recreation, resource and economic development agencies will share their insights and experiences. We'll find out about successful ideas, program innovations and cooperative recreational ventures between the public and private sectors.

In a letter to the Governor, IAPD Exec. Dir. Ted Flickinger wrote:

"We'll look ahead to the future, identify developing trends and see how innovative planners are meeting new needs. We will also be taking initial steps to implement a full-scale study of the impact that the multidimensional recreation industry has in our State."

See the complete conference
agenda beginning on page 7.

The conference begins at 6 p.m. on April 29th with a reception at the Governor's Mansion in Springfield. It continues with more than 30 dynamic sessions on April 30th and May 1st.

The State Departments of Conservation (DOC), Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA), and Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) have joined with us and the Governor's staff to prepare what will be an outstanding educational event. We hope that you will accept our invitation to participate in the Recreation Conference.

IAPD prepares for insurance showdown

April 9th is Insurance Crisis Day in Springfield, and it will be one of the most important efforts for park and recreation interests this year at the State Capitol, according to IAPD President Roger Toohey.

It will also be the most successful if you lend your support.

We are joining forces with the members of 56 other organizations who want to purchase adequate liability insurance coverage at an affordable price. Our goal is twofold. First, we want to reemphasize the severity and urgency of our problem to State lawmakers. Secondly, we will push for an equitable solution to this dilemma during the General Assembly's present session.

Informational packets are being prepared by the Illinois Coalition on the Insurance Crisis (ICIC), of which we are a member. They will be made available to all participants on April 9th and contain material which can be useful when approaching lawmakers about the problem. However, your State Representative(s) and Senator(s) also need to hear the specifics about your agency's insurance problems and their related implications.

Policy on letters

The Illinois Parks and Recreation magazine welcomes letters from its readers. Letters should be written to the editor and they should discuss issues and/or events. They must include the writer's name, address and phone number. It is preferred that letters be limited to two double-spaced typewritten pages in length. The editor reserves the right to edit, condense or reject any letter that does not meet these requirements.

Members of the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) and Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) will gather at the Springfield Prairie Capital Convention Center on April 9th. From there it's on to the State Capitol to meet with lawmakers as a member of the largest coalition to be held in Springfield.

We'll be there representing your interests. Can we count on you to join us?

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 March/April 1986

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