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Rural Illinois

Editor. In his article, "Rural Illinois: In trouble with a capital T," (February 1987) Michael Klemens presents a distorted view of southern Illinois. He has pulled some of my comments out of context and has omitted certain others to paint an all too negative picture of our region. His views of southern Illinois lack balance and certainly do not coincide with my own views.

Several of the examples Mr. Klemens cites are poorly (and flippantly) reported, thus losing their meaning for understanding such serious problems as state mandates that cannot fit local situations or the existence of too many inefficient, expensive governmental units. The reference to Southern Illinois University is too one-sided to be meaningful. While, undeniably, the university is a major contributor to the economy of southern Illinois, it is by no means the only contributor. There are many public and private entities which play a vital role in the region's economy, and their impact cannot be minimized.

As with other parts of Illinois, southern Illinois is facing a number of challenges to its economy. While progress here, like everywhere else, is slower than some would like, it nevertheless is being made. I am confident that I will see progress in my lifetime.

I have stated on a number of occasions that the governor and the legislature need to focus more on the problems unique to rural Illinois. I am hopeful that through the recently established Rural Affairs Council, more state attention will be given to rural Illinois. I also believe that local communities ultimately must take responsibility for their own destinies. With greater effort, improved efficiencies in the utilization of local resources and through cooperation with the state, local communities can bring about the developments they need.

Southern Illinois has a lot going for it and through the efforts of a number of people it will meet its challenges.

Samuel Goldman


Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Readers: The article was about all of rural Illinois and the problems faced by the many rural sections of this 55,646-square mile state. Professor Goldberg was quoted accurately and in context of the larger focus of the article.


6/May 1987/Illinois Issues

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