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Park districts celebrate the arts!

July is Arts in the Park Month, and materials
are available to help agencies plan
special activities.

By Matt Ellmann

The Arts in the Park Committee is proud to announce its fifth anniversary! During the past five years, this committee has attempted to serve the recreational professional.

Committee services

First, and foremost, we have provided the visual tools (logo, clip art, etc.) which bring attention to the excitement of arts in recreation. Also, we have provided the written ideas and suggestions necessary to develop an Arts in the Park program. Finally, we have given the recreation agencies a clear and concise method of developing, promoting and carrying out a simple or complex arts event.

The Westmont Park District hosted a sidewalk art contest last summer. (Photo courtesy of the Westmont Park District.)

Special logo

However, the commitment of carrying out this project is up to each agency. We don't need to stress the importance of good arts programming in this time of cultural strife. However, we would like to stress the importance of a credible, recognizable, visual tool which can benefit all of us.

This tool has been provided in the form of our logo. Please, if nothing else, make it a part of your agency's arts programming this July. As in the past, we are providing Arts in the Park packets to all agencies of the Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) at no cost. These packets include idea sheets, clip art, public relations sheets, sample promotional material and an order form.

To receive this free packet, contact Matt Ellmann, Westmont Park District, 75 E. Richmond St., Westmont, IL 60559. Make Arts in the Park Month an annual part of your recreational programming promotion. We, in turn, will continue to aid you with new ideas, materials and support.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Matt Ellmann is arts supervisor at the Westmont Park District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 20 May/June 1987

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