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Cooperative ventures achieve success

Spearheaded by an area businessman, a special benefit raised both funds and public recognition for the Vernon Hills Park District.

By Carl P. Hartmann

Area businessman Larry Ross contacted me in 1985 about his plans to build a restaurant on the shores of the park district's lake. He also wanted to know our plans for developing the lake.

I knew that Ross owned the popular Southgate Cafe in Lake Forest, and I felt confident that whatever he contemplated building in Vemon Hills would be an asset to the community and compliment our adjacent Century Park.

A prompt response

Thanks to a recent revision of our Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Open Space, I had ready and complete information covering both short-range and long-range plans for Big Bear and Little Bear Lakes. As our conversation ended, Ross praised the Master Plan and announced his intention to hold a benefit for the district when the restaurant was completed.

Ground breaking for the restaurant took place in June, 1985; by mid-September, Ross invited me to walk through the shell that was to become Chaffee's Restaurant. He asked me to review his proposed landscaping plan to be sure it was compatible to our adjacent park landscaping. He also reiterated his support for the benefit.

Planning the event

Park District Commissioner Kelli Garvanian and I met with Ross in November, 1985, to finalize plans for the event. The responsibilities were divided simply. Larry Ross would make Chaffee's available exclusively for the evening, and he would supply the food and beverages. The Vemon Hills Park District would decide what it wanted to charge, and it would be responsible for all promotion, advertising and decorations.

Ross suggested live music to compliment the event, but it would be the district's responsibility to provide it.

We settled on the date of Sunday, Feb. 2, 1986, a week before Chaffee's opened to the public. Almost more importantly to Chicago Bears fans, the date was a week after Super Bowl XX.

Community support

Commissioner Garvanian organized the park district's Recreation Advisory Committee into subcommittees to enlist help in publicity, decorations and specific assignments the night of the benefit. I contacted corporate entities to seek help in underwriting costs.

Rust-Oleum Corporation, whose international headquarters is located in Vemon Hills, volunteered its print shop to produce 4,300 invitations and envelopes. This made it possible for every household in Vemon Hills to receive one. The company needed photo-ready copy, and that was donated by resident and friend of the park district, Jean-nine Aull.

Premier Bank stepped forward to pay for the mailing of the invitations; Wickes Corporation, division of Wickes Lumber headquartered in Vemon Hills, agreed to pay for a professional jazz quartet.

Park board members suggested mailing invitations to vendors, and while some of the 100 on the list sent donations, others came to enjoy the evening.

A special evening

The big night finally arrived and,

Illinois Parks and Recreation 23 May/June 1987

more importantly, with none of the anticipated "What can go wrong now?" problems. There were no blizzards to keep people away. The jazz quartet showed up. Advisory Committee members were manning their stations. The Decorating Committee had added rainbows of color (not to mention a few park district logos) to the interior of Chaffee's. Park commissioners were poised near the entrance to greet guests, but would any guests show up?

Not to worry! Even before 5 p.m. people began arriving, and soon more than 200 guests were on hand. Contemporary jazz provided just the right background to blend with the modern wood and glass decor that was uniquely Chaffee's.

(Photo courtesy of the Vernon Hills Park District.)

The plan for the evening was to provide a relaxed party atmosphere and good food. Other than a few remarks by Board Pres. Roger M. Simone, there would be no speeches. We held to the game plan.

The buffet included something for everyone with sliced prime rib, mesquite wood-grilled chicken and ham, and a variety of cheeses, fruits, vegetables and desserts.

Final comments

The benefit not only raised $2,720 for the Vemon Hills Park District, but, more importantly, it also created a vast amount of good will for us. There were obvious benefits for Larry Ross, too, but the park district was in no way compromised, and at no time did Ross ever suggest how the funds raised be spent.

Have you ever thought of staging an event like this for your park district? Chaffee's benefit turned out to be a very positive experience for our park district.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Carl P. Hartmann is the director of the Vemon Hills Park District. A graduate of the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, he has been a park and recreation professional in Illinois for the past 30 years. Hartmann has been at Vernon Hills since 1978.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 24 May/June 1987

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