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Bensenville awaits opening of new leisure center

The park district plans to move into the 50,000 square-foot-structure in January, 1989.

By Carol A. Sente

The Bensenville community is excitedly anticipating the construction of a new two-story Leisure Center in Varble Park, just east of the Water Park, open for its third pool season.

Robert Kunkel, director of the Bensenville Park District, welcomes the needed facility expansion and the community's growing interest in park district-offered programs. The park district plans to open doors to the approximately 50,000 square-foot-center in January 1989, 15 months after the September 29 groundbreaking.

Community interest

Plans for the new structure were spurred by community interest in expanded dance, gymnastics, aerobics and indoor ball sport programs, and in classroom space. The project officially began with the interview/selection of a Northbrook architectural firm specializing in designing park district facilities, Sente & Rubel Ltd., early in 1987.

Once the facility, with a $2.8 million cost of construction, is completed, the board of commissioners plans to sell the Midtown Leisure Center and the existing administrative offices. The board chose to construct the center by hiring its own construction superintendent to bid the job and coordinate the work of the subcontractors.

Expanded programs

Kunkel expects the center's activity areas and classrooms to be very popular. The district will be getting a new gymnasium with a suspended jogging track, a dance/

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Illinois Parks and Recreation 21 November/December 1987

aerobics studio, an exercise room, a weight lifting room, a gymnastics room and three racquetball courts (including provisions for wally ball).

Classroom space will be plentiful in the new center, including rooms for senior citizen activities, preschool and a nursery. Arts and crafts enthusiasts and cooking students will also have their own classrooms for instruction. Additionally, five general purpose classrooms and a multi-purpose room are available for community meetings.

Unique design

An interior courtyard was designed into the building by the architect, Joseph Rubel. This space will offer senior citizens and other park district users an attractive, peaceful area to gather, and provide an exterior view for administrative staff from their offices.

Public lounge areas are also provided on each floor. The main floor has a sunken conversation pit and a foliated atrium.


Carol A. Sente is the marketing director for Sente & Rubel Ltd., Northbrook, IL.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 22 November/December 1987

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