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The Pulse

Is Chicago ready for recycling?



According to Mike Royko, the motto of Chicago is "Ubi es mea?" (Where is mine?). Against this ethic, one would assume that the notion of mandatory recycling for all Chicago household garbage would be met with derision. In a recent survey of 500 Chicago heads of household conducted by Richard Day Research for WLS-TV (Channel 7), however, the response was nearly 4-to-1 in favor of such a plan.

Table 1. Importance of issues facing Chicago
(0-10 scale. 10 = most important)
 Average (0-10 scale)% most important
Promoting garbage recycling7.53%
Fighting crime9.246
Maintaining fire protection8.73
Improving the schools8.623
Promoting more jobs8.614
Controlling taxes8.211
Table 2. Support/opposition for recycling program, pre- and post-arguments
Strongly support46%50%
Not sure3%2%
Strongly oppose13%

Don't misunderstand; Chicagoans are not inclined to consider recycling one of the most important issues facing the city. We asked them to rate the importance of a series of issues on a scale from zero (least important) through 10 (most important) and then asked which is the most important issue (see table 1).

Compared to fighting crime and improving the schools, the issue of recycling pales. Its mean rating of 7.5, however, shows that there is a sense of importance given the problem.

The question on the recycling plan was asked twice of each person surveyed — before and after reciting a list of arguments for and against recycling. Support for the plan was very high the first time the question was asked, and it remained very high when asked again, although there was a slight drop after all the arguments were explained (see table 2). The most important finding is that no more than 30 percent of any group opposes mandatory recylcing. An analysis of the post-argument responses presents a clearer profile of those who support the recycling plan:

  • white residents (78 percent);
  • younger residents — ages 18-32 (76 percent);
  • neighborhoods — residents of the southwest side (76 percent) and north lake-front wards (81 percent);
  • more upscale — household incomes over $20,000 (76 percent), college graduates (84 percent), professionals (86 percent).

While a majority of all groups support the plan, those groups who are more likely than the average to oppose the plan are:

  • black residents in both the west and south side wards (35 percent);
  • older residents, age 65 and up (36 percent);
  • more downscale — household incomes under $15,000 (36 percent), unemployed (40 percent), less than nine years of education (38 percent), service workers (36 percent).

Respondents were read arguments that have been given in favor of the recycling

April 1988 | Illinois Issues | 36

Table 4. Reasons to support/oppose recycling program, given by respondents
Support (357 respondents)
Good for environment, cut pollution31%
Will save the city money27
Running out of space to put garbage17
Will help create jobs13
Maximize re-use of resources3
Oppose (132 respondents)
Don't want to separate garbage, messy33%
Dislike idea of being fined16
Can't be sure garbage will be separated (have tenants, children)9
Unable to separate garbage (elderly)9
Need to buy more containers8
Don't think plan will work, people won't cooperate4

plan and were then asked to evaluate each reason (see table 3). The most persuasive arguments were those promising the potential economic benefits of recycling and the need for a solution to the waste disposal problem. Respondents were less swayed by the fact that Mayor Harold Washington first proposed the program, although 71 percent of black respondents thought this fact was an excellent or good reason.

When read a list of reasons to oppose the recycling plan, respondents were divided on the effectiveness of each (see table 3). Although a majority of the respondents rated them as either fair or poor, those who were older, black and more downscale were consistently likely to find the same arguments excellent or good.

To an open-ended question, asking why they support or oppose the recycling program, the reason most frequently given by supporters was the plan's positive environmental effects — that reason was not on the prepared list read to the respondents. (See table 4 for all reasons.)

In short, recycling is widely supported by Chicagoans, but as with most issues in Chicago, attitudes differ along racial lines. On this issue white residents show more support than blacks.

Ubi es mea? The benefits for Chicagoans are a cleaner environment, lower taxes and more jobs.□

Richard Day has his own survey research firm, Richard Day Research, in Evanston. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Table 3. Arguments for and against recycling program, as read to respondent and rated for effectiveness

Support recycling

  • Without recycling program, the city will run out of space to dispose of garbage in four years.
    Excellent 44%, Good 34%, Fair 10%, Poor 12%
  • With recycling program, the city would be to save $10 million per year.
    Excellent 45%, Good 36%, Fair 10%, Poor 10%
  • The recycling program will help to create jobs.
    Excellent 40%, Good 44%, Fair 9%, Poor 7%
  • This program was first proposed by Mayor Washington.
    Excellent 26%, Good 32%, Fair 18%, Poor 24%
  • Many other cities already have recycling programs.
    Excellent 20%, Good 34%, Fair 25%, Poor 21%
  • In the last three years, the cost to the city to dispose of its garbage has increased 200%, and these costs are expected to continue to increase as there is less space to dispose of the garbage.
    Excellent 28%, Good 41%. Good 15%, Poor 16%

Oppose recycling

  • City residents will be fined between $25 and $50 each time they do not separate their garbage for recycling.
    Excellent 18%, Good 25%, Fair 16%, Poor 41%
  • Owners of buildings with four or more units will be subject to fines of up to $500 for each violation.
    Excellent 19%, Good 25%, Fair 20%, Poor 36%
  • Residents will be required to separate their garbage into separate containers for glass, cans, newsprint, plastic and other garbage.
    Excellent 19%, Good 27 %, Fair 22 %, Poor 32%

April 1988 | Illinois Issues | 37

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