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By JAMES L. MAZUREK, Lieutenant of Police
Lombard Police Department

Attitude can and will make a difference in our personal lives and work environment. Successful Managers, Department Heads and individuals come in all sizes, shapes, colors, races, backgrounds, ages and sexes. Each and every successful person, no matter who they are or where they work, have something in common and that is a captivating attitude.

The attitude that we display towards our superiors, peers and subordinates generally decides their attitude towards us. If we display an attitude that is winning in nature, positive, favorable, professional, caring, mature and helpful, the same attitude will usually be reciprocated. We learn, develop and build upon certain attitudes that we acquire from our parents, society, employers, superiors, friends, etc. Possessing and exhibiting the attitude of a professional and a winner at work, home and at play is so very important and crucial.

Everyone wants to be a part of a winning team with the superior maintaining a positive attitude. An appealing attitude works wonder for every individual that it comes into contact with, i.e., waking up to a nice sunny day on your day off. Having and displaying a warm and winning attitude towards others causes the "Domino Effect" whereas the reinforcing attitude towards one person is passed along to other individuals throughout the day. Think about it, would you rather work for or with someone who has an assertive attitude or who constantly shows a poor bad attitude. People who have a bad attitude are usually not winners but are whiners. There isn't anything that would make them happy; they go from crisis to crisis enjoying being miserable and trying to convince others to see and feel it their way. These selected individuals are not and will never be winners.

People who are winners give 110% of themselves; losers just want to get by. Winners are leaders; losers are followers. Winners are workers; losers make excuses. Winners provide inspiration; losers show inability. Winners breed integrity; losers produce dishonesty. Winners care for others; losers only care about themselves. Winners work towards harmony; losers love clashing. Winners are cheerful; losers are discontented. Winners make good things happen; losers feel misfortune. Winners say it can and will be done; losers say its impossible and too hard. Winners raise morale; losers leave you feeling low. Winners improve in experience and knowledge; losers remain stagnant.

The question is, do you want to be a winner or a loser? Which attitude do you display? Are you willing to change? Do you want to change?

Our attitude determines how we look at life and our work environment. Do we want to start the day with a smile or a frown? Do we want to be surrounded with a winning team with each individual working towards the accomplishment of the agency's goals? Our attitude is displayed each day like a large billboard alongside of the highway. People can't miss it, they read it every day when they pass by, it stands out and some are even lit up. Attitude represents a marketing tool for yourself, your agency, your goals and your personality.

A Manager/Department Head with a good attitude breeds motivation within his/her department and/or organization. Motivation brings increased production, work satisfaction, work and personal appreciation, personal commitment and personal respect.

A winning attitude is an important part of people's everyday lives. The motivation of wanting to do a good job comes from within the employee. A winning attitude will provide a very favorable work environment for you and your subordinates. It is well documented and recognized that individual attitude with the proper motivation can be the deciding factor in the success of a performance as well as of the entire agency. An exhibited winning attitude can be the deciding factor between success and failure. •

July 1989 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 7

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