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The Cabin Nature Program Center

Experiential Opportunities with Nature, the Environment and Our Natural Heritage

By Robert M. O'Shaughnessy

1989 marked the 10th anniversary of the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association's (NEDSRA) Cabin Nature Program Center. NEDSRA is a cooperative extension of 12 park districts and 2 village recreation boards. The Cabin Nature Program Center is considered an integral part of NEDSRA's overall services to participating communities.

Cabin Nature Program center

The Cabin Nature Program center includes a museum and Nature Center.
Completely accessible for wheelchairs, the Cabin's displays have been
designed to provide tactile, sensory and wildlife experiences to visitors
of all abilities.

History and Philosophy

The Cabin Nature Program Center was opened in 1979 by the Wood Dale Park District and NEDSRA. The purpose of the "Cabin," which includes a museum and grounds, is to offer handicapped and disabled individuals stimulating first-hand nature, camping, and heritage experiences. Accessibility is emphasized for handicapped and non-handicapped alike; more than 40 different outdoor programs and services are offered each year. The Cabin served over 4,000 persons in 1988-89 alone. The number of individuals and groups requesting services continues to increase steadily. Through NEDSRA's philosophy of providing equal access in the natural world, the Cabin has provided out-of-doors experiences for handicapped and disabled participants throughout the last 10 years.

Facility Grounds Accessibility


In the early stages, a great deal of careful design and planning occurred. The process of transforming 20 acres of hardwood forest to an accessible natural environment began with the establishment of two nature trails composed of limestone screenings. This composition insured accessibility to wheelchairs. Since the initial development, trail markers with taped and braille guides have been added; in 1986, a ramped deck extending into a marsh area was constructed through funds donated by a local service organization.


The Cabin grounds include a totally accessible campground area which features adapted picnic tables, an overhead picnic shelter and a raised fire pit. The pit was modified from concrete drain pipe to accommodate wheelchair users. The tent camping area can be used by groups of up to 20 persons for overnight visits.

Mentally and physically handicapped adults are able to cultivate and tend flowers, herbs and vegetables in the Cabin's raised garden plots, also donated by a community service organization. 3 large garden boxes, built from railroad ties, are raised approximately 2 feet from the ground, thus allowing wheelchair users easy access. Under the direction of Cabin staff, programs using the raised gardens are scheduled from spring through fall.

"Through the facility's unique environment, participants experience important social and team building skills which enable them to lead fuller, richer lives and contribute to society on greater levels. "

Team Incentives Course

This section of the facility grounds provides challenging outdoor experiences for groups. The Team Incentives

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Illinois Parks and Recreation 19 January/February 1990

Cabin Nature Program Center
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Course is the only handicapped-adapted course in the area. Completing the course requires overcoming a set of obstacles in small groups through carefully guided teamwork. The course features a unique double loop of obstacles. Depending on the group's ability or limitations, a "high" or "low" course has been designed to best meet the group's needs. In working together, groups build trust, communication and cohesiveness. Since its development, the course, proven effective in team building, assists special classes and mentally disabled adults in refining basic communication and social skills.

The Cabin Nature Center

An indoor facility, the Cabin Nature Center is an authentic log cabin. Dating back to 1930, it was originally built as a family weekend cabin. Under NEDSRA's direction since 1979, the entrances have been ramped and all restrooms have been made accessible with grab bars and an accessible sink. Nature, heritage and environmental displays have been designed to be viewed by wheelchair users. All displays are described in braille for the visually impaired and interpreted by the Cabin staff to visitors of all ability levels. Tactile, sensory and live animal displays are designed to convey the world of nature to the handicapped and disabled.

A Vital Need Served

Accessibility is a major obstacle to handicapped and disabled individuals who participate in social, leisure and rehabilitative activities. Social development programs and experiences are vital to special populations. It is unfortunate that local forest preserves or nature centers are rarely totally accessible to those in wheelchairs, are not staffed to communicate with the deaf and are not designed to accommodate the special sensory needs of the blind. The Cabin Nature Program seeks to fulfill those needs by providing sensory stimulation and channels for communication to help handicapped persons improve their mental, social and physical skills. Families need to enjoy activities where being handicapped does not present special problems or obstacles. The Cabin Nature Program Center is the only nature center in DuPage County which totally services the handicapped and employes full-time staff specifically for this purpose.

On a yearly basis, the cabin expands and redefines its programming. A 1:4 staff to participant ratio is maintained for effectiveness. Programs stress individual capabilities rather than disabilities. Several part-time employees and volunteers are utilized throughout the year to assist in the continually growing needs of Cabin participants.

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Illinois Parks and Recreation 20 January/February 1990

Cabin Nature Program Center

Local Organizations/Agencies Served

The Cabin Nature Program Center provides a variety of services to the following local organizations and agencies:

Ray Graham Association
Edwin F. Deicke Home
Local Youth Commissions
East DuPage Special Education District
School Association for Special Education in DuPage
DuPage West Cook Regional Special Education Association
Lutherbrook Children's Home
West Suburban School for the Retarded
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind

Individuals Served

Services are available for all individuals, from birth through adulthood, whose special need prohibits them from participating in regular recreation programs. Disabilities or handicapping conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Developmentally Delayed
Mental Health Client
Trainable Mentally Handicapped
Educable Mentally Handicapped

Learning Disabled
Visually Impaired
Physically Limited

A Valuable Resource

Since 1979, the purpose of the Cabin Nature Program Center has been to help facilitate and integrate handicapped and disabled individuals into the mainstream of society by providing experiential opportunities related to nature, the environment, heritage, and the out-of-doors. NEDSRA provides these experiences through the interpretation of natural and historically significant objects. Educational programs that utilize all of the Cabin's resources have been developed to introduce, explain, and provide first-hand experiences for visitors and groups. From the beginning the Cabin has been designed with total accessibility, the cornerstone of its philosophy.

Open year-round, the Cabin Nature Program Center encourages and promotes learning about the natural world and enjoying nature as a leisure-time pursuit. Through the Cabin Nature Program Center's programs, many individuals have eventually returned to complete participation in society. Through the facility's unique development, handicapped and disabled populations have been provided with important social and environmental skills and opportunities which enable them to lead fuller, richer lives and contribute to society on greater levels.

In January, 1989, the Illinois Therapeutic Recreation Section of the Illinois Park and Recreation Association recognized the Cabin Nature Program Center with the "Excellence in Service" award. This award cited the Cabin's contributions to individuals having disabilities or handicaps over the past ten years, and the Cabin's innovative and accessible programs, facilities and services.

Robert M.O'Shaughnessy
is the Director of Marketing and Development for the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association and a member of the Joint Publications Committee.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 21 January/February 1990

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