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New Transportation Act Means New Source of Funding

The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA, pronounced "ice tea") was signed by President Bush on December 18, 1991. This landmark legislation significantly broadens funding eligibility for non-highway projects and will benefit alternative forms of transportation.

Two new programs were established which will benefit park and recreation departments throughout the country. The "Transportation Enhancements" program sets aside more than $3.8 billion over the six-year life of the bill for 10 specific non-highway activities. The activities are defined by the legislation as "provisions of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles, acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites, scenic or historic highway programs, landscaping and other scenic beautifications, historic preservation, rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities including historic railroad facilities and canals, preservation of abandoned railway corridors including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian and bicycle trails, control and removal of outdoor advertising, archaeological planning and research, and mitigation of water pollution due to highway runoff"

Enhancement funds for Illinois are estimated at $139,216,834, and must be matched at a ratio of 80 percent federal to 20 percent state.

The second source of potential trail money is the $30 million per year Recreational Trails Trust Fund, a new program to develop and maintain trails. This fund will make trail grants to private individuals, organizations, city/county governments and other government entities with the funding divided between non-motorized and motorized interests. This bill was very controversial and Congress did not make any appropriations for 1992.

With the new federal legislation in place, the action will not turn to the state and local implementation level. Contact Bill Bennette at Illinois Department of Transportation to find out how the transportation enhancements program will be developed, and to suggest projects for enhancement funding consideration.

If you are interested in learning more about how to fund a project through this new law, order, ISTEA Action Plan by sending $1 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, ISTEA, 1400 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20036.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 16 May/June 1992

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