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Conduct Legislative Awareness Day

The Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association conducted their Fifteenth Annual Legislative Awareness Day on Friday, July 17, Bensenville Park District's White Pines Golf Course. The purpose of the annual outing is to encourage increased communication and interaction between local parks and forest preserve officials and their state legislators. The event brings together commissioners, chief administrators and legislators for a day of fun and recreation.

The day's events included a continental breakfast, "The Flamingo Open" scrable golf outing, reception, and dinner awards. Participants were also treated to a repormance by trick-shot artist Peter Longo, the "King of Clubs." Longo, a former PGA tour professional golfer, travels the country performing his golf trick-shot show.

The day was a great success, and all participants enjoyed themselves. The associations expresss their appreciation to the coordinators of the event, the Bensenville Park District, and all of the volunteers who contributed to yet another outstanding outing.

Rep. David McAfee, Kathy Cassens, Rep. Terry Parke

Golf outing

Illinois Parks and Recreation 32 September/October 1992

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