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Key Environmental Issues Addressed During Golf Course Planning Process

To maintain golf's intimate relationship with the environment, architects use an "environmental checklist" to determine the viability of any golf site, according to Art Hills, president of the American Society of Golf Course Architects.

"Our architects take many environmental factors into consideration before starting the design process," said Hills. "Every golf course presents a unique challenge because existing conditions vary and no two sites ever are exactly the same."

There are certain questions concerning environmental issues that every golf course architect must address during the planning, review and construction process.

These environmental checklist questions include:

. Does a golf course eliminate open or green space by using a site which is currently undeveloped?

. Will the proposed golf course alter or eliminate wetland and other sensitive environmental areas that may exist on the site?

. Are there significant historical or archaeological areas on the site that will be affected by the golf course?

. What impact will the golf course have on the ecological systems of the site, such as plant life and wildlife habitat?

. How will the golf course affect the existing character of a site through alteration of the topography and vegetative cover?

. Is there any potential for water pollution from earth disturbance and erosion during the construction of the golf course?

. Will the irrigation requirements of the golf course lead to the reduction or depletion of water supplies, especially in areas experiencing conditions which limit water resources? • Will the long term application of chemicals for turfgrass management on a golf course cause water pollution from surface run-off or infiltration into the ground?

Once these and other questions have been answered to the satisfaction of the architect, developer and the local community, the design process can begin.

As these questions indicate, the development of a golf course has become a complex process. To deal with this, golf course architects rely on their training and expertise to create design solutions that are compatible with the environment.

These questions are part of an environmental checklist which is included in the brochure, "An Environmental Approach To Golf Course Development."

The 48-page brochure includes background information on the game of golf and how golf courses can complement the environment, as well as case studies and specific checklists that can be used for reference during the permitting process. To obtain a copy of the brochure, please send a check for $10 (per copy) to: The American Society of Golf Course Architects, 221 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60601.

April 1993 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 23

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