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There are more than 100 vendors competing to supply application software to local government agencies. They range from the major accountants such as Arthur Andersen and Peat Marwick to tiny software firms with one or two local accounts. To become a prominent supplier in this fragmented and geographically diverse market is a major achievement for an independent software firm.

One such company that has moved into the top echelon of application software suppliers is Information Development Consultants, Inc. (IDC), a Chicago based firm with more than 75 installations in cities, counties, states, non-profit organizations, airports and U.S. Territories. Its software has been endorsed by the top national consulting firms which have recommended IDC software to their clients. These include KPMG Peat Marwick, Ernst & Young, Coopers & Lybrand, Deloitte Touche, and Price Waterhouse.

While no single vendor has captured as much as 10 percent of this market, IDC is among the nationally recognized leaders in the field, according to an analysis by Frost & Sullivan.

IDC has become a leader in this marketplace by developing and installing a full set of financial packages that generate both financial and management information and that are easy to use and understand, according to Carolyne S. Turner, IDC founder and owner.

Strategic Alliances
Forging strategic alliances with such major computer manufacturers as Hewlett-Packard, IDC brings a total solution to the financial computing needs of its customers. Its time-tested DILOG (Distributed and Integrated Local Government) accounting software package is a series of applications for fulfilling all government accounting requirements while also giving managers the information they need for timely and accurate planning, analysis and action.

In addition to performing the mandated accounting functions for its governmental customers, the DILOG suite of programs handles payroll/personnel and human resources management, provides a central collection and payment operation, manages an organization's fixed assets, facilities and inventory, and automates billing and collections for government operated utilities.

IDC's contributions go far beyond just selling software. Working closely with the computer supplier and the government agency, IDC is actively involved in system installation and staff training. Its extensive on-site training is supplemented by continuing customer education as personnel changes and systems are upgraded, and unlimited telephone support. It is IDC's goal for each customer to gain maximum benefit from their system without adding technical staff.

Open System Support
With customer satisfaction in mind, IDC fully supports the industry trend toward open systems based on standards. Open systems enable IDC users to move towards multivendor systems as needed, without obsoleting existing equipment or software. IDC's chief hardware partner, Hewlett-Packard, is a leader in developing industry-standard products and protocols. IDC's software packages often are paired with HP-9000 mid-range computers running on industry-standard UNIX operating systems.

The IDC/HP implementation of UNIX has been designed to include color windows and quick point and shoot computer access for improved user productivity and comfort.

Uniform Regulations
The rules and regulations controlling the financial practices of government agencies are established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and, therefore, most statements and financial reports contain similar data. IDC's software adds significant value for those who want or need to conform to government financial regulations. Its unique Management Action Reports manipulate the same information used in the Financial Accounting to give department managers

May 1993 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 21

a basis for planning, budgeting and evaluating performance. The Management Accounting module maintains a revenue and cost ledger for programs, projects, grants or other activities for any specified fiscal year, giving management a quick check of status and performance in a usable way, including Service Efforts and Accomplishments.

To enhance its leadership position in the local government software applications market, IDC is continuing to develop valuable new programs for its customers. It will soon unveil a new Central Name and Address File, which will allow taxpayers and others to pay all of their government charges and fees — utilities, garbage, parking tickets, library fees, taxes — on a single bill and at a single location, which might be a lock box, City Hall, or the neighborhood shopping center. This new program will permit consolidated billing by name and address for all city/county/agency services and turn into reality the concept of the "24-hour City Hall."

Founded in 1975 in Chicago by Ms. Turner and executive vice president, Daryl E. McPherson, IDC is classified as a Minority Vendor by the federal government and various state and local governments. It has been concentrating on the government application software market since developing DILOG in 1980. •

Page 22 / Illinois Municipal Review / May 1993

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