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Addison Named 'Tree City' Once Again

The Village of Addison has received national recognition as a "1993 Tree City USA" by the National Arbor Day Foundation. This is the sixth time Addison has received this award.

The Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Poorest Resources officially acknowledged the Village of Addison at a Tree City USA awards ceremony March 24 at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle.

Contributing to Addison's eligibility to become a "Tree City USA" were its comprehensive community forestry program, village tree ordinance, forestry department, and observance of Arbor Day.

The program is sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. •

Municipal Treasurers Association

The Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association (IMTA) would like to invite all Municipal Treasurers and Finance Directors to attend their 21st Annual Treasurers Conference which will be held at the Springfield Renaissance June 26-28, 1994.

The Conference will begin Sunday evening as everyone will take a step back in time and enjoy a candlelight reception at the Old State Capitol which will feature the 114th Civil War Regiment Infantry.

The program will continue Monday and Tuesday and will include topics of vital interest and importance relating to municipal finance. Scheduled sessions include: computerizing the public pension fund, pension fund accounting, developing internal controls, current municipal finance legislation, communicating with the press and public and developing banking policies and procedures.

The $125.00 registration fee includes the opening reception and tour, Monday luncheon, Tuesday brunch and the awards and officers installation banquet. Anyone who would like a registration form or further information may contact Judy Madonia, Springfield City Treasurer at 217-789-2224. Room reservations may be made directly with the Springfield Renaissance at 217-544-8800. The conference will qualify for 12 hours of CPE. •

April 1994 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 21

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