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George H. Ryan

Youth Safety Programs Available through Secretary of State's Office

by George H. Ryan
Illinois Secretary of State

With summer just around the comer, our streets and parks will soon be filled with bicyclists. Bicycle riding is fun and good exercise. It is also an important responsibility. When riding on a street or road, bicyclists must follow the same traffic safety laws and rules that apply to vehicle drivers. They should also remember to always wear an approved bicycle helmet, which is the best protection in a crash.

It is particularly important to instill this knowledge in children. Because children are less-experienced riders, they are often involved in a significant number of accidents. In 1991, for example, riders under age 15 accounted for 33 percent of bicyclist deaths.

To assist in educating youth about the responsibilities of bicycle riding, my office works with park districts, schools and municipalities to offer bicycle skills courses. These courses teach youth about safe riding skills and provide the opportunity to practice balance and handling in a safe, protected environment. The programs are informative and always a lot of fun for children.

Our office is available to assist you in your efforts to implement bicycle safety and training programs. A Bicycle Skills Course Instruction Manual explains how to set up and effectively sponsor a bicycle skills course. The Illinois Bicycle Rules of the Road outlines traffic safety laws, signs and safety tips for all bicyclists to remember.

In addition to bicycle skills, Seemore the Safety Clown is available to teach children about pedestrian and bicycle safety. The colorful, flamboyant clown is guaranteed to be entertaining and bring a smile to any child's face. A Seemore Safety Coloring Book is used to reinforce material covered in the presentation.

To address the serious issue of teenage drinking and driving, my office launched Safe Celebration. Safe Celebration is a partnership between my office, communities and schools to develop and provide alcohol-free activities for teenagers. The events provide a safe environment for teenagers to have a great time, without the dangers of drinking and driving. Events range from beach parties to sock hops. Our office works with local communities to organize Safe Celebration committees, devise fund raising plans and provide advice on events that have been successful in other communities.

If you are interested in any of these programs or materials, please do not hesitate to contact my office at (217) 785-1444. We would enjoy working with you to make these programs and materials fit your needs and objectives.

George H. Ryan is the Secretary of State for the State of Illinois.

Illinois Parks & Recreation • March/April 1994 • 27

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