Privatization Of Municipal Services In Illinois
Municipal officials, faced with public resistance to
higher taxes, ever increasing expenditure needs and
growing pressures to "do more with less" are increasingly adopting alternate ways of financing and providing services to the public for the same or lower costs.
Also causing financial stress in cities are cutbacks in
federal assistance programs, such as General Revenue
Sharing in 1987 and intergovernmental mandates.
Cities may be called on to do even more in the future
as services are transferred to local governments in the
process of devolution from the federal and state governments.
Many municipal officials have turned to privatization of services previously provided by public employees. During the 1970s and 1980s, privatization became
an increasingly popular management tool for local governments throughout the United States. Despite its acceptance by public officials, little systematic information is available regarding the extent and success of
privatization, especially in Illinois cities.
To examine privatization efforts and related issues
in Illinois municipalities, the Local Government
Affairs Division of the Office of Comptroller Loleta
Didrickson, the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at
Western Illinois University and the Illinois Municipal
League conducted a mail survey of city governments
in 1995. According to the Reason Foundation and the
National Council for Public Private Partnerships, two
privatization advocacy groups, this comprehensive
study of municipalities is the only one of its kind being
done nationwide. In total, 516 cities responded, a 40.5
percent response rate. Results and analysis of the survey will be explored in a series of articles in this magazine. This article examines services for which cities
are likely to contract and privatization trends.
What is privatization?
The term "privatization"
can invoke different meanings depending on one's
perspective. In the broadest sense, privatization means
relying on private institutions such as businesses to
provide public services. In narrow terms, privatization
involves the private sector taking responsibility for providing a service or function previously provided by
government. It can take many forms, ranging from governments contracting with a business for service delivery to the sale of public assets to private firms. For purposes of this study, privatization will be used to describe contracting with a private firm to provide
services previously provided by the public sector.
Past trends.
Governments at all levels have always
contracted for services. In fact, King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella hired Christopher Columbus, a private
contractor, to seek an alternate trade route to India. It
wasn't known as privatization at the time but it involved the same concept. Privatization became increasingly popular during the 1980s during the
Reagan administration and the conservative tide that
swept across the country. The feeling was that the private sector could provide services cheaper, faster and
better. Privatization took on a conservative bent that
emphasized cost reduction and was preceived as a
threat to public employees and managers.
The 1990s brought forth leaders from both political parties who believed more in competition for city
services than privatization exclusively. Privatization as
a result of competition became a more progressive
term that emphasized efficiency and quality service
delivery, regardless of whether the public or private
sector provided the service. The issue became competition versus monopoly, not public versus private and
included strategies designed to lessen the effects on
public employees.
In general, the amount of privatization in Illinois
has not increased markedly during the past five years.
Statewide, 28.7 percent of cities reported that the
number of contracts with private firms had increased,
compared with 56.8 percent reporting that the number had not changed. Only 2.0 percent reported that
the number had declined. However, increases in contracting occurred more often in larger municipalities
(population greater than 5,000), where more than half
(52.1 percent) reported an increase. Thus, the size of
the privatization efforts may be large. One explanation
* Robin A. Johnson is director of Local Government Affairs in the
Office of Comptroller Loleta Didrickson. Norman Walzer is director of the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois
November 1996 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 19
is that large cities offer more services and therefore,
have greater opportunities for privatization.
Services currently privatized.
Privatization exists
on two levels in Illinois. In small towns (less than 1,000
in population), contracting for services has long been
utilized to avoid expensive labor or specialized equipment costs and liability concerns. Officials from larger
cities are turning to privatization as a way to reduce
costs while maintaining or improving the quality of
In Illinois, privatization is fairly widespread, with
almost every municipality reporting contracting at
least one service and nearly every one of the 82 services listed on the survey was contracted in at least one
municipality. Many cities report contracting for a large
number of services. For example, 274 municipalities
(52.7 percent of the total respondents) contract for at
least 10 services and 418 municipalities (80.4 percent)
contract for at least five services.
Some cities contract for nearly all services provided to the public. Municipal governments in Machesney
Park (pop. 19,000) and Crestwood (pop. 11,000) provide few services directly and contract with private
firms for some services and rely on volunteers for others. Crestwood has been able to rebate property taxes
as a result of saving tax dollars through privatization.
The city services most often reported privatized in
Illinois are solid waste collection and disposal (Table 1).
Statewide, 92.6 percent of respondents report contracting commercial solid waste collection and 87.7 percent
have residential solid waste collected by private firms. A
large number (84.5 percent) have privatized solid waste
disposal (landfills) also.
Beecher (pop. 2,000) has successfully contracted for
refuse collection since 1990 and reduced the cost to
households by nearly 50 percent. Previously, the village
had an "open market" system where citizens individually contracted with private firms for refuse collection.
The system had inefficiencies because companies with
separate sets of similar equipment provided the same
service. Beecher officials contracted refuse collection
with a single, lowest cost, qualified bidder resulting in
economies of scale, increased efficiency and lower costs
with the per household fee reduced from $11.00 to
Some small towns have privatized all public works
functions with a single source, private firm. Pecatonica
(pop. 1,800) became the first town in Illinois to do so in
1994 and others since followed. The services contracted
in Pecatonica include purification and distribution of
drinking water, wastewater collection and treatment,
and repair/maintenance of streets and alleys.
Additional services provided by the private firm include
a water rate study and increased purchases of safety
equipment. At the end of the first two years of the contract, more services were provided by the private firm at
less cost to the taxpayers.
Street light operation (61.0 percent) and hazardous
waste materials disposal (50.0 percent) are also commonly provided by private firms. Tree trimming/planting is contracted with private firms in 24.9 percent of responding cities, mainly because of the specialized expertise required and relative infrequency of the service.
Glen Ellyn (pop. 26,000) officials report privatized tree
trimming allows public works staff to concentrate on
other municipal services.
Table 1. Services Provided for Municipality by Private For Profit Firms
Population by Size
Services Provided*
Less than
Percent (n)
1,000- -
Percent (n)
5,000 or
Percent (n)
Percent (n)
Public Works/Transportation
Residential Solid Waste Collection
88.1 126
90.4 123
85.0 142
87.7 392
Commercial Solid Waste Collection
90.3 93
92.1 116
94.6 140
92.6 350
Solid Waste Disposal
82.6 76
86.2 100
84.3 129
84.5 306
62.8 49
79.6 90
82.1 133
77.1 273
Yard Waste Collection
60.4 29
60.6 66
67.1 110
64.0 206
Public Utilities
87.8 108
87.7 100
86.4 108
87.3 317,'
82.4 98
82.6 95
93.4 113
86.2 307 "
Hazardous Materials Disposal
38.5 10
59.6 28
47.8 43
50.0 82
Street Light Operation
82.1 119
62.2 84
40.0 62
61.0 266
Public Safety
Vehicle Towing and Storage
65.6 42
75.5 80
81.7 125
76.2 247
Health and Human Services
Insect/Rodent Control
40.3 27
24.1 20
31.0 39
31.0 86
Day Care Facility Operation
50.0 16
56.9 33
52.3 46
53.4 95
Hospital Operation/Management
25.0 6
53.8 21
32.5 25
- 37.1 52
Support Functions
Legal Services
73.9 85
72.5 87
58.8 90
67.6 263
Food Services
29.4 5
3.7.5 9
56.1 23
45.1 37
* Information is reported for services which are being contracted
municipalities that provide the service.
by one-third or more
of the municipalities
responding. Percentages
are based on
Source: IIRA Municipal Privatization Questionnaire, 1995
Page 20 / Illinois Municipal Review / November 1996
Other services most frequently privatized include
recycling (77.1 percent), yard waste collection (64.0 percent), vehicle towing and storage (76.2 percent), legal
services (67.6 percent) and food services (45.1 percent).
In most instances, these are services with limited demand in the city so it makes sense to outsource them,
rather than providing them on a full-time basis with city
employees. Also, services most often privatized are likely to be provided extensively in the private sector.
Janitorial services are not contracted to the degree
one may expect (27.1 percent) although larger cities
contract for these services more often (35.1 percent).
Addison (pop. 32,000), for example, reports first-year
savings of approximately $100,000 and virtually no employee displacement from privatizing Janitorial services.
Financial pressures and concerns about service
quality prompt some municipal officials to consider privatization of public safety services such as ambulance
and emergency medical services (EMS). Statewide, 23.5
percent of cities have private ambulance service and
11.5 percent have contracted for EMS. Herrin (pop.
11,000) privatized its ambulance service in early 1995
due to financial concerns. The municipal service was
losing money, causing the city to subsidize operations
approximately $5,000 per month. The mayor reports
that the city saved on subsidization costs in addition to
general operating costs; the city also raised funds
through the sale of ambulance equipment to the private firm that won the contract.
Future outlook.
One of the better indicators of
satisfaction with privatization is whether city officials
plan to increase contracting in the future. Statewide,
almost one in five (18.3 percent) intend to increase privatization and 51.6 percent report contracting levels
will remain the same. Less than one percent (0.6 percent) expect to decrease privatization. Larger cities are
much more likely to increase privatization with 42.1
percent reporting this intent. They offer more services
and benefit more from contracting.
Services that city officials indicate they will likely
privatize in the next five years include street repair/maintenance, water treatment/distribution, and
wastewater collection/treatment. As with services currently contracted most often, services slated for future
privatization efforts are mainly in the area of public
Although few municipalities currently contract for
wastewater treatment (6.5 percent), this service may be
the hottest market nationwide for the privatization industry. Almost all local governments own wastewater
treatment plants, compared with other utilities such as
electric power plants. Water and wastewater services
are the largest expenditures for local governments, according to the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Many facilities were built with federal funds more than 20 years
ago and are becoming obsolete due to federal environmental mandates. With rising operational costs, reduced levels of federal assistance and reluctance by local officials to seek tax revenue increases for repairs or
enhancement, privatization has become an attractive
approach for saving dollars while increasing efficiency.
Privatization of municipal services is
fairly widespread in Illinois and will continue to grow
in the future, especially in larger cities. Public works,
such as solid waste collection and disposal, are most
often privatized. Services which are seasonal, or require specialized labor or equipment, are also likely to
be contracted.
Other public works services, such as wastewater
treatment, will be increasingly privatized in the future
due to the age of the facilities, stricter environmental
mandates, fewer federal dollars and strained local finances. Some public safety services, such as ambulance and EMS, and support services will also be provided by the private sector more in the future.
With privatization ingrained in many municipalities, local officials have dealt with issues pertaining to
contracting public services. The next article will examine how officials have fared with these issues, including the sensitive topic of employee displacement. •
November 1996 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 21