Legislature Winds to
Close with Unresolved Issues

Park districts fare well in the '97 Spring Session

IAPD General Counsel

THE WORKLOAD OF the Illinois General Assembly this year was formidable with more than 2,289 House bills and 1,186 Senate bills introduced.

Of the House bills introduced, 1,070 were considered on the floor of the House with an unprecedented outpouring of bills from committee. On the Senate side of the aisle, 600 bills were sent to the House. Of these, the house gave final consideration to little more than 250.

Major issues remain on the table at the end of session with differing proposals and solutions being offered to electrical utility deregulation and the General Assembly's favorite topic—state funding for education. At this writing it is an open question whether revenue growth will be used to fund the educational needs of school districts and raise poorer districts to minimum funding levels or a more aggressive approach will be used with an income tax increase and a corresponding trade off in property tax relief.

Issues affecting park districts fared well this year. Senate Bill 476 on the IAPD Legislative Platform overwhelmingly passed in the Senate and the House. This legislation extends the hours that a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old can work from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. during the school year and from 9 p.m. until 10 p.m. during summer vacation.

Legislation that hamstrings the ability of park districts to issue alternate revenue bonds was sidelined. Also held was legislation that transfers the responsibilities of the Chicago Park District to the Department of Natural Resources and a bill requiring a lower voter threshold prior to submitting a referendum to a vote.

Legislation exempting the SRA tax from the Property Tax Extension Limitation Act (SB81/ HB 847) met a similar fate in the House when the sponsor failed to call it for a vote in committee.

In further action, the General Assembly overwhelmingly approved limitations on local government tort immunity when it passed legislation providing that a local public entity is liable for an injury caused by a failure to supervise activity on or the use of any public property in the cases of wilful and wanton negligence. This knee-jerk reaction by the General Assembly to an Illinois park district drowning case will have widespread ramifications for all units of local government in the state.

On the fast track was legislation eliminating the nonpartisan elections in November of odd numbered years (HB652/SB200). This election for school districts, community colleges, fire protection districts, and others, will be combined with the park district and forest preserve elections held in April of odd numbered years, if Governor Edgar signs the bill. The measure's purpose is to save costs of an election with traditionally low voter turnout. The side effect for park districts and forest preserves the elimination of a potential referenda date for bonds and tax increases, required by the Property Tax Extension Limitation Act. In fact, his bill creates an 11-month waiting period between referenda.

Legislation creating the Property Rights Preservation Law and bills imposing limitations on Land/ Cash Donation Ordinances statewide were heard this year, but did not pass both Houses.

All in all the legislative year was a positive one for park districts and forest preserves and the participation of our members in the legislative process was critical to our success.

We commend those who attended the Legislative Conference and legislative breakfasts held earlier this year, and those who involved legislators in local district activities.


Adult Entertainment
Amends the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code to prohibit the operation of an adult entertainment facility on Sunday and the location of an adult entertainment facility within 1,000 feel of any school, public park, and place of religious worship. Preempts home rule. 5-1 3-97 Calendar order of concurrence

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Amusement lax
Amends the Counties Code, Preempts a home rule unit's authority to impose or collect a tax on an amusement occurring on publicly owned property or a tax on persons who attend or participate in on amusement held on publicly owned property. 3-21-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Back-door Referenda
Standardizes provisions concerning publication or posting of ordinances and resolutions and Filing of petitions with respect to back-door referenda. Requires that petitions be signed by voters equal in number to 5% of the total number of voters in the specified territory who voted at the last preceding general election at which electors of the President and Vice- President of the United States were elected. SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 1. Adds reference to: 51LCS 220/3.1 4-24-97 Referred to House Rules Committee

Creates the Second Lowest Bidders' Protection Act. Provides that the second lowest bidder on a public works project and any person that entered into a contract with the second lowest bidder who suffers damages as a result of the rejection of a bid for the public works project because the successful bidder violated certain labor Acts may bring an action for damages against the violator, subject to specified restrictions. 4-25-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Bonding Authority
Amends the Local Government Debt Reform Act and the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law in the Property Tax Code. Provides that upon the Filing of a petition signed by at least 5% of the registered voters in a taxing district subject to the Law, a referendum shall be held on the question of whether to continue to allow the taxing district (i) to issue "limited" bonds and (ii) to exclude the extensions mode for the payment of principal and interest of "limited" bonds and "double-barreled" bonds in the "aggregate extension" of the taxing district may no longer issue "limited" bonds or exclude the special extensions in that taxing district made for payments of principal and interest of "limited" bonds and "double- barreled" bonds from the "aggregate extension". 3-21-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Chicago Pension Code
Amends the Chicago Park District Article of the Pension Code. Accelerates the automatic annual increase for persons with at least 30 years of service who retire on or after January 1, 1 993. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately. 3-2 1-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Child Labor Law
Amends the Child Labor Law. Provides 14-or 15- year-olds in a program organized and supervised by a pork district with a population of less than 500,000 may work to 9 p.m. (now 7 p.m.) during the school year and to 1 0 p.m. (now 9 p.m.) during summer vacation. Adds permitting minors over 1 4 to work at premises where alcohol may be served if employed by park districts. 5-15-97 Held on 2nd reading in House - Short debate

Daylight Savings Time
Amends the Time Standardization Act. Eliminates daylight savings time. Effective immediately. 3-21-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Drug-free Warkplace
Creates the Drug-Free Workplace Program Act. Authorizes employers to implement drug-free workplace programs in accordance with specified requirements pertaining to drug testing, notice to employees, specimen collection, confidentiality, and other matters. Provides that an employer who implements a drug-free workplace program is eligible for a 5% discount in workers' compensation insurance premiums and may terminate an employee who has drugs or alcohol in his or her system. 4-8-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Amends the Election Code, the Public Community College Act and the Fire Protection District Act to abolish the nonpartisan election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of odd- numbered years. Transfers elections of officers held at the nonpartisan election to the consolidated election held on the first Tuesday in April of odd-numbered years. Provides for the terms of incumbents elected before the nonpartisan election is abolished to expire one month after the election of their successors. Effective immediately. 5-16-97 Passed in Senate

SB 200
Amends the Election Code, the Public Community College Act and the Fire Protection District Act to abolish the nonpartison election held on the First Tuesday after the first Monday in November of odd numbered years. Transfers elections of officers held at the nonpartisan election to the consolidated election held on the First Tuesday in April of odd-numbered years. Effective immediately. 5-15-97 Passed on calendar order • 3rd reading - House short debate

Amends the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. Provides that the Act shall not apply to units of local government employing less than 5 employees (now 35). Effective July 1, 1997. 4-25-97 Assigned to How Rules Committee

Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Pension Code. Allows members to receive up to 24 months of credit for military service not preceded by employment upon payment of the corresponding employee and employer contributions; requires employer approval. Authorizes the Fund to offer deferred compensation and tax deferred annuity programs to its members. 5-14-97 Passed House - 3rd reading - snort debate

Interest in Contracts
Amends the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act and the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that a municipal officer is not deemed interested in a company if the officer is an employee of or owns or holds an interest of 1% or less, or both, in the officer's individual name in a company that is involved in the transaction of business with the municipality and that company's stock is traded on a nationally recognized securities market. Provides that any person serving on a municipal advisory panel or commission or nongoverning board or commission is not prohibited (now is prohibited) from having an interest in the transaction of business with the municipality unless that person's duties include evaluating, recommending, approving, or voting to recommend or approve the business. 5-15-97 Passed both Houses

Land Donations
Creates the Builder and Developer Land Valuation Act. Amends the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that land donations required by a county or municipality as a condition of residential subdivision, resubdivision, or development shall be based upon an ordinance that specifies the population expected to be generated by residential development, and the value of an acre

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of land improved with subdivision improvements for cash contributions instead of the conveyance of land. Sets forth the requirements that the ordinances must meet. Sets out a value determination an acre of land improved with subdivision improvements for cash contributions instead of the conveyance of land. Preempts home rule. 5-8-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Local Government Advisory Board
Provides that the Comptroller shall establish and maintain a registry of all units of local government. Effective immediately. 5-13-97 Held on House Calendar - 2nd reading Short debate

Motor Fuel lax
Amends the Motor Fuel Tax. Deletes provision requiring a road district to levy a tax at a rate of not less than 08% or, in DuPage County, an amount equal to or greater than $12,000 per mile of road, against the taxable property in the road district For road and bridge purposes in order to receive any allocation of moneys under the Act. 3-15-97 Assigned to Senate Rules Committee

Municipal Code
HB 254 (PARKE)
Amends the Illinois Municipal Code. Allows a municipality that has imposed a telecommunications tax and whose territory includes part of another unit of local government or school district to exempt the unit of local government or school district from the tax. 3-21-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Museum Education Fund
HB 1114 (ERWIN)
Create the Museum Educational Programs Fund.Changes the wagering tax from a flat tax on adjusted gross receipts to a graduated tax on those adjusted gross receipts. Provides that 1 % of the monies raised under the waging tax shall be transferred to the Museums Educational Programs Fund for use by the State Board of Education. 4-19-97 House Calendar Third Reading - Short Debate - Lost

Nonprofit Reimbursement
Amends the School Code and the Board of Higher Education Act. Authorizes the State Board of Education and the Board of Higher Education to reimburse not-for-profit arts organizations and cultural institutions for the costs of providing educational programs to students. 5-15-97 Passed both Houses

Open Meetings Act
Amends the Open Meetings Act. Provides that when a public body has 5 or Fewer members, any 2 members may meet to discuss legislative, executive, or administrative responsibilities without violating the provisions of the Act. 3-2 1-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Payroll Deduction
Amends the Government Salary Withholding Act. Permits local governments to select the charitable organizations that may participate in the payroll deduction fund-raising campaign, rather than using the United Fund and those deemed qualified by the State Comptroller. Specifies criteria for selection. 4-25-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Property Tax
Amends the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law in the Property Tax Code. In the definition of "aggregate extension" For taxing districts that were not subject to the Law before the 1995 levy year (except those taxing districts subject to the Law by referendum) excludes extensions made to fund the district's expenses to provide recreational programs tor the handicapped under the Park District Code. Effective immediately. 5-8-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

River Conservancy
SB 255 (REA)
Amends the River Conservancy Districts Act to require the publication of an ordinance to issue bonds or dissolve a district to include a description of the district's boundaries. Requires the petition to submit an ordinance to referendum to be signed by 5% or more of the district's voters who voted at the last preceding general election at which electors of the President and Vice- President of the United States were elected (now 1 0% or more of the registered voters in the conservancy district). 5-13-97 Held in House on 2nd reading- Short debate

School Impact Fee
Creates the School Land Dedication and School Facility Impact Fee Act. Provides for the imposition by municipalities and counties of school land dedication ordinances or school facility impact fee ordinances or both when new development creates a need or on identifiable portion of a need for new school grounds or facilities. 4-25-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Tort lmmunity
Amends the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Makes numerous changes regarding the scope and nature of immunities and liability under the Act. Also makes changes in language authorizing local public entities to obtain insurance or self insurance and authorizing a tax levy to pay for insurance and other expenses. Effective immediately. 3-21.97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Amends the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Amends language providing that neither a local public entity nor a public employee is liable for an injury caused by a failure to supervise an activity on or the use of any public property. Creates on exception in the case of willful and wanton conduct of a local public entity or public employee that proximately causes the injury. HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 1 Deletes the provisions of existing law regarding swimming pools. Deletes language providing that the exemption from liability for injuries caused by a failure to supervise an activity on public properly are subject to any exception elsewhere in the Act. 5-13-97 Placed on Senate Calendar -2nd reading

Truth In taxation
HB571 (DART)
Amends the Property Tax Code. Revises the purposes Section of the Truth in Taxation Law in the Property Tax Code to require taxing districts to hold public hearings on their intention to adopt an aggregate levy and to publish their intentions to adopt an aggregate levy in amounts more than 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is less, over the amount of property taxes extended or estimated to be extended, including any amount abated by the taxing district prior to such extension, upon the final aggregate levy of ordinances. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective January 1, 1998. 5-10-97 Assigned to Senate Rules Committee

Wildlife Prairie Foundation
Creates the Illinois Wildlife Prairie Museum Act and the Illinois Wildlife Prairie Foundation. Provides that the Foundation shall seek the guidance of and consult with the Board of the Illinois State Museum on all matters. Provides $10,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund (or the Foundation. 5-9-97 Placed on Senate Calendar - 3rd reading

Working Cash Fund
Amends the Park District Code. Makes a technical change in the section concerning the Working Cash Fund. 3-21-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

Workplace Safety
Creates the Workplace Safety Committee Act. Provides that each public and private employer of at least 50 employees shall establish a safety committee at each of the employer's primary places of employment. Provides for: composition, meetings, records, and training of committees; and duties of committees relating to hazard assessment and control, safety and health planning, developing procedures for accident investigations, and other specified matters. 3-21-97 Assigned to House Rules Committee

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Gov. Jim Edgar announced $12.2 million in grants to create and improve parks lands and preserve natural areas throughout Illinois.

In total, 81 projects in communities of all sizes will be funded. One-third of the projects serve communities with less than 10,000 residents. Fourteen are acquisition and 67 are development projects. The grant money comes from state Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSIAD) funds, and $50,000 in federal Land and Water Conservation Funds (LWCF).

Thirteen of the development projects will create new parks; 34 will provide new playground equipment to meet updated safety and access standards. The grants add or improve more than 900 local park acres.

DNR officials received 135 applications requesting $19 million in grant funds.

More than $58 million has been awarded for local park projects since the OSLAD Program was initiated in 1986.

Since its formation in 1965, LWCF has provided nearly $134 million for state and local park projects in Illinois. Maximum grant awards are $400,000 for acquisition projects and $200,000 for developmental projects.

Following is a list of 1997 OSLAD and LWCF grant recipients.

Addison Park District

$200,000 to renovate Centennial Park with a new totally accessible playground, basketball and tennis courts, landscaping, additional parking and fishing pier.

Boone County Conservation District

$85,000 to acquire 77 acres of land along both sides of the Kishwaukee River, to create a preservation and recreation corridor.

Carol Stream Park District / Village of Carol Stream

$200,000 to develop a 20-acre site with five soccer fields, a community playground, shelter and warming house with restrooms, winter sports activities, roller hockey court, basketball, interpretive areas, sand volleyball and a key extension of the community bike trail system.

Chicago Park District

$50,000 to acquire two vacant lots north of Anderson Playground for park expansion and development. This is a cooperative effort between the Chicago Board of Education and the Chicago Park District to create a school-park campus by combining adjoining Anderson


The following ups were written for communicating with Senators and representatives, but they are helpful guidelines to remember when you are meeting with anyone you hope to persuade or inform.

• Present your case. Explain what you want your legislator to do and why.

• Give examples of the impact proposed legislation will have on your home state or district.

• If you don't know the answer to a question, offer to find out and send information back to the office. Make yourself available as a resource person.

• Don't expect members of the state legislature to be specialists; their schedule and work load make them generalists who are open, we hope, to listening.

• Don't confront, threaten, pressure, or beg.

• Keep control of the visit. Don't be put off by smoke screens or long- winded answers. Your appointment time is limited.

• Don't make promises you can't deliver.

• Find out if your legislator has heard opposing views. If so, find out what the arguments are and what groups are involved. Find out if there are other key representatives or senators you should contact. Ask for your legislator's assistance in accomplishing your goals.

• Spend time with your legislator even if his or her position is different than yours. Sometimes you can lessen the intensity of opposition.

• Leave a brief position paper or fact sheet in the office when you leave.

• Follow up every visit with a thank you note and share your reflections on what you felt about the meeting.

• Evaluate the meeting: what went well, what happened, and what didn't happen.

— Peter M. Murphy, Esq.


To find addresses for your legislators' district and Capitol offices, use the 1997- 1998 Legislative Directory, published for IAPD and IPRA members. Contact IAPD to receive a free copy.

May / June 1997/ 15


Playground, Phillips High School and Mayo Elementary School properties.

Chicago Park District

$200,000 to develop Chicago Origins Park, a 2-acre site on Ashland Avenue at the Chicago River near the communities of Bridgeport and Pilsen. The park will interpret the 1 9th century layout of the Illinois & Michigan Canal.

Cook County Foresst Preserve District

$200,000 to initiate development at Bremen Grove Preserve with a picnic shelter, paved parking for 1 20 cars and a paved bicycle trail connection from the proposed parking area to the existing 1 8-mile Tinley Creek Bicycle Trail system.

Fox Valley Park District

$50,000 for the outdoor development of McCullough Park with a senior game area, an accessible playground, canoe landing, fishing station and a shelter. (LWCF project).

Frankfort Park District

$200,000 to develop a 50-acre tract of land for use as an outdoor sports complex and community park consisting of a softball field, baseball field, soccer fields and parking area.

Frankfort Square Park District

$200,000 to establish 35 acres of park land to be designated Union Creek Community Park. Improvements will include a multi-use path, a pedestrian bridge, picnic pavilion, rest room and storage facility, picnic tables, grills, six recreational ball fields, outdoor ice rink, two sand volleyball courts, two soccer fields, signage and trees.

Freeport Park District

$77,500 to rehabilitate four playground sites. The new equipment will meet current safety and accessibility standards.

Geneva Park District

$200,000 to develop Phase I of Peck Farm Park with nature center components consisting of more than 1 mile of interpretive trails with signage and habitat restoration, five outdoor "classrooms," picnic area and overlook tower, conversion of existing farm structures into an interpretive facility, parking lot and entrance drive and wetland hydrology restoration. Development will also include community recreation components of two soccer Fields, a playground, roller hockey, and warming house for skating and cross-country skiing.

Hanover Park Park District

$200,000 to assist with the construction of the Seafari Springs Aquatic Center, a 1 1,235-square-foot pool with a zero depth edge, water play features and support mechanical facilities on a 6.5-acre site.

Highland Park Park District

$200,000 to construct a pool facility to include a zero depth pool / plunge pool, six-lane lap pool, children's spray play pool and bathhouse. The city of Highland Park will pay for pool construction and the park district will provide the land for this cooperative project.

Hoffman Estates Park Dirtrict

$200,000 to further develop the 26-acre Kelley Park with new recreational elements consisting of a tennis court, jogging and walking path, sand volleyball court, lighted ice skating rink, an all weather shelter with rest rooms and a crosscountry ski trail.

Kane County Forest Preserve District

$387,500, to purchase 90.53 acres of woodland swamp adjacent to the Illinois Prairie Path in Aurora. The area is the home to more than 1 30 woodland, wetland, and prairie plant species.

Kankakee Valley Park Dirtrict

$82,500 to restore Washington Park in Kankakee by overlaying the basketball and tennis courts, establishing a roller blade hockey area, a bermed area for ice skating, landscaping, fencing and installing new playground equipment with accessible surfacing.

Lake County Forest Preserve District

$200,000 to construct 1.02 miles of trails from Grand Avenue to Washington Street in the village of Gurnee, as port of the Lake County Forest Preserve's 33-mile Des Plaines River Trail.

Macomb Park District

$99,400 to continue prairie restoration with associated trails, day use areas, observation areas and platforms at Lakeview Nature Area. Also included is the design and construction of a combination nature and a visitors center and three shelters for picnic and small program uses.

Macon County Conservation District

$105,200 to further develop about 4 acres of the 1,300 acre Rock Springs Center west of Decatur. Development includes construction of a playground, an interpretive shelter with exhibits and restrooms, sidewalks and landscaping.

Metamora Park District

$200,000 to assist in the redevelopment of a 2- acre facility involving main pool rehabilitation, a new kiddie pool, instructional pool, pavilion, picnic tables, playground equipment, sand and sod volleyball courts and parking lot reconstruction.

Morton Grove Park District

$200,000 to redevelop the 7-acre National Park to provide diverse recreation components known as the "Middle Ground" for young teens. This multi-age play environment will be further complemented by baseball fields, middle goal basketball and roller hockey court, soccer field renovation, shelter and picnic and day camp area, a trail for fitness walking and in-line skating, landscaping, trail lighting and tennis court repair.

North Berwyn Park District

$200,000 to develop 2.9 acres of Berwyn Gardens, a former elevated railroad train stop, to provide active and passive recreation opportunities, including a paved 0.3-mile walking trail, safety fencing at cross streets, lawn volleyball, children's play area and tot lot, an ornamental garden with seating and a pergola structure, gazebo shelter, drinking Fountain, sunken plaza area, skateboard bowl, roller blade court, benches, picnic tables and landscape plantings.

Oak Park Park District

$200,000 to redevelop 1 3.9-acre Lindberg Park with an educational arboretum, tennis courts and the installation of an irrigation and drainage system for the multi-use play Fields. Improvements also include the construction of restrooms, storage areas and the installation of a playground.

Peoria Park District

$ 1 80,000 to acquire 24 acres to serve emerging neighborhoods on the far north side of the district, providing the only neighborhood park within a 3-mile radius.

Quincy Park Dirtrict

$200,000 to expand facilities at the 135-acre South Park. New development will include public walkway and rest room facilities, picnic shelters and areas, playground apparatus and additional public parking. Improvements will include horseshoe courts, pond fishing, rest room accessibility, selective park road resurfacing and curb repair, turf renovation, signage and tennis court renovation.

River Trails Park Dirtrict

$200,000 to correct site flooding problems and for the development of playgrounds, shelter with exercise interpretive signs, walking path, tennis, roller hockey, basketball, ice skating, soccer, rest rooms, two ballfields, and a picnic area. One feature of the park is the "Play Fit" exercise signage which it an outdoor work out concept for children and adults.

Rockford Park District

$200,000 to renovate and improve eight neighborhood and community park playgrounds with updated equipment to meet ADA accessibility guidelines and improve play value.

Rockford Park District

$250,000 to acquire a 50-acre parcel in southwest Rockford. The site will include playfields for soccer, football, softball, and baseball, basketball and tennis courts, rest rooms and concession facilities, two major picnic Facilities (one with an outdoor stage and special event facilities), walking paths and opportunities For nature study including controlled access to the adjoining Klahm (Forest Preserve) Arboretum.

Schaumberg Park District

$137,500, to develop the 7.5-acre Northwest Neighborhood Park with a multi-use play court, a playground, paved pathways, sand volleyball, ice skating area, a

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backstop, shelter, softball field, seeding and landscaping.

Skokie Park Dirtrict

$112,000 to acquire 0.51 acres of former American Legion property. Future development will include basketball courts, roller hockey, ice hockey, a shelter and playground area. This park primarily will serve "youth at risk."

Springfield Park District

$400,000 to acquire a an 190.18-acre site in west Springfield.

St. Charles Park District

$105,300, to assist in the development of the 47.3-acre Otter Creek Wetland Park, an innovative and nationally recognized wetland restoration project created as a wetland mitigation "bonk". Developers impacting wetlands in the areas can buy "credits" in this wetland which fulfill their mitigation requirements. Amenities will include interpretive signage and a 1-mile trail with accessible boardwalks made of recycled materials.

Streamwood Park District

$200,000 to develop the 10-acre Sherwood Forest Pork with three softball diamonds, children's playground, parking lot, picnic shelter, interpretive wetland overlooks, bicycle and walking paths, site furnishings and landscaping.

Urbana Park District

$114,200 to expand the bicycle / pedestrian pathway system along and construct a bridge over McCullough Creek that will connect Prairie Play playground with the path system. Development of the 130- acre site will also include the construction of accessible, organic garden plots, a picnic site and pavilion.

Westmont Park District

$135,800 to incorporate and develop 1 8 acres of passive recreation at the existing Twin Lakes Park in Westmont. Improvements include restoration of native habitat, a trail system, picnic shelter and play space. Also planned are a sand volleyball court, parking lot, restroom facilities, storage area. Fishing pier and the construction of two bridges needed to cross St. Joseph's Creek to access the crosscountry ski program at the adjacent park district golf course,

Wheaton Park District

$400,000 to acquire 1.28 acres of land with an existing two-story office building and parking lot contiguous to Wheaton Park District's existing 130-acre Lincoln Marsh Natural Area. The facility will become home to the district's outdoor education program and wetland education center.

Wheeling Park District

$200,000 to acquire a 4.46-acre site with future development that includes an accessible playground and picnic grove.

Will County Forest Preserve District

$ 100,000 to acquire 40 acres and expand Thorn Creek Woods near University Park, an Illinois natural areas inventory site dedicated as a State Nature Preserve.

Winnebago County Forest Preserve

$343,000 to acquire a 395.88-acre tract of land along the Pecatonica River on the eastern boundary of the Pecatonica Wetland Forest Preserve. This Phase II acquisition includes forest, wetland, cultivated acreage in the Flood plain and upland agricultural land.

May / June 1997 / 17

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