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Migration in Illinois History


Alvord, Clarence Walworth. The Illinois Country, 1673- 1818. Springfield: Illinois Centennial Commission, 1920.

Barkai, Avraham. Branching Out: German-Jewish Immigration to the United States 1820-1914. New York: Homes and Meier, 1994.

Bridges, Roger D. and Harry Daley. "The Illinois Black Codes." Illinois History Teacher, 3:2 (1996); 2-12.

Feldstein, Stanley. The Land That I Shall Show You: Three Centuries of Jewish Life in America. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1978.

Hertzberg, Arthur. The Jews in America: Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: A History. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989.

Marcus, Jacob Rader. Memoirs of America Jews, 1775-1865, 3 volumes. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1955.

Meyer, Douglas K. Making the Heartland Quilt: A Geographical History of Settlement and Migration in Early Nineteenth Century Illinois. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press. Forthcoming, 1997.

Pease, Theodore Calvin. The Frontier State, 1818-1848. Springfield: Illinois Centennial Commission, 1918.

Powell, Burt E. Semi-Centennial History of the University of Illinois, I: The Movement for Industrial Education and the Establishment of the University, 1840-1870. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1968.

Richardson, Eudora Ramsey. "The Virginian Who Made Illinois a Free State." Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, 45 (Spring 1952): 5-22.

Ross, Earle D. Democracy's College: The Land-Grant Movement in the Formative Stage. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State College Press, 1942.

Schappes, Morris U. A Documentary History of the Jews of the United States, 1654-1875, 3rd ed. New York: Schocken Books, 1976.

Sharfman, I. Harold. The Frontier Jews: An Account of Jewish Pioneers and Settlers In Early America. Secaucus, New Jersey: The Citadel Press, 1977.

Simon, John Y. "The Politics of the Morrill Act," Agricultural History, 37 (April 1963): 103-111.

Solberg, Winton U. The University of Illinois, 1867-1894, An Intellectual and Cultural History. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1968.

Wyman, Mark. Immigrants in the Valley: Irish, Germans and Americans in the Upper Mississippi Country, 1830- 1860. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1984.

Photograph Credits: All photographs are from the Illinois State Historical Library unless otherwise noted.
Pages 38-39, 41 -- Courtesy Quincy Public Library and Reading Room, Quincy, Illinois


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