The vast Midwestern landscape has always encompassed diverse artistic visions. Grant Wood's grim-faced farm families on their stark homesteads are neighbors to Jennie Cell's brightly remembered people and places. The crowded intimacy of the Primitives live close by the sparest renderings of the Regionalists. Both are hollering distance from the muted nostalgia of the American Impressionists.

And all reside at the the Tarble Arts Center at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston. That center's collection incorporates American Scene prints, with representative works by Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton, and paintings by such Midwestern Impressionists as Paul Turner Sargent of Charleston and Robert Marshall Root of Shelbyville. Unique to the Tarble, though, is the collection of contemporary works by east-central and southeastern Illinois folk artists, including Jennie Cell and Elma Richey.
The Editors

llinois Issues September 1999 12

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