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Rolling window shutters add security and comfort

Rolling shutters for security, efficiency, privacy

Q: When I visited Europe, I saw attractive rolling window shutters. They worked great for blocking heat and cold and as security against storms and thieves. Why wouldn't they work as well here in the U.S.? - Ann F.

A: Actually, they do work very well in the U.S. too. Rolling window shutters have been popular in Europe (with their extremely high energy costs) and along the hurricane-prone regions of the U.S. for many years. When they are rolled up and completely opened, rolling shutters are totally hidden from view, so you are probably not aware of how many homes have them already.

Now, with more concern about security, energy savings, tornado/hurricane protection and privacy with today's smaller lots, rolling shutters are becoming popular throughout the entire U.S. Without sacrificing security and privacy, rolling shutters allow you to still have efficient natural ventilation and day-lighting through your windows.

If you have never seen rolling shutters over windows, patio doors or porches on a house, they are quite attractive. They are available in many colors and slat shapes and sizes and are custom designed to fit each window or door opening perfectly. Custom ones can even be made to fit new contemporary-shaped window shapes liked arched, triangular and trapezoidal.

Installing rolling shutters saves money in several ways. On some shutters the hollow slats are filled with foam insulation. This creates an insulating dead air space outside your window glass to lower both heating and cooling bills. This improves single-pane window efficiency by about 65 percent and double-pane window efficiency by about 50 percent. The protection from the elements also reduces window and door maintenance and can increase their lives.

Most rolling shutters are made of many horizontal 1.5- to 2-inch-high durable insulating slats that operate similar to an old rolltop desk. The ends of the slats slide in small, but strong, channels that are attached to the sides of the outdoor window opening. In retrofitting an existing house, the slats roll up into a long narrow housing that is hidden under the roof overhang. In new construction, the housing can be hidden inside the roof soffit.

For convenience and security, you open and close the shutters from indoors. The least expensive method, usually for only small to standard-size windows, uses a small indoor strap to operate the shutter. The strap comes indoors at the top through a


small sealed hole in the wall and it operates smoothly and easily.

For rolling shutters on standard to larger windows or doors, an optional indoor hand crank mechanism is often used. This is very durable and makes it easy to open the shutter precisely as much as you want. For very large shutters, or for extra convenience, an electric drive motor, built into the housing, is used to raise and lower the rolling shutter.

If you select a motor drive option and you plan to install shutters on several windows/doors, consider one with hand-held, remote controls, just like on your TV. Some motor/control units allow you to program several groups of shutters together. You press one remote control button and only the programmed shutters raise or lower simultaneously. Timers, sun, wind and rain sensors can also automatically close shutters when you are away from home.

The interlocking flanges, that hold adjacent slats together, have open slots cut into them. When the shutter is totally lowered and closes against the weatherstripping seal at the bottom, the upper interlocking flange on each slat slides up completely into the slat above it. This hides these open slots inside the mating slats to block all light and about 70 percent of outdoor noise.

As you start to raise the shutter, the slats spread apart before the bottom seal actually begins to lift from the sill and uncover the window. If you just start to raise it a little, only a few slats separate to expose some slot openings for natural lighting and ventilation.

Raise it a little more to expose more open slots for controllable levels of light and ventilation. At this point, the shutter is still resting on the sill for privacy. Raise it slightly more and it begins to uncover your window or all the way up to totally uncover your window.

The basic slat material options (in increasing cost) that you can choose from are - PVC plastic, rolled aluminum with insulation, and extruded aluminum. Insulated rolled aluminum is tougher than PVC for greater wind and impact resistance. Extruded aluminum slats are the strongest, but they are heavier and are not usually filled with insulation.

Write for (instantly download Update Bulletin No. 693 - buyer's guide of 13 rolling shutter manufacturers showing slat material/size/color and opening control options, insulation, prices, features and illustrations. Please include $3.00 and a business-size SASE to: Jim Dulley, Illinois Country Living, P.O. Box 3787, Springfield, IL 62708.

James Dulley is a mechanical engineer who writes on a wide variety of energy and utility topics. His column appears in a large number of daily newspapers.

Copyright 1999 James Dulley


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