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Holiday season safety tips

It seems as though the holidays sneak upon us earlier each year. It's a time that can be very joyful and stressful all at the same time. Decorating, menu planning and shopping are all a part of the holiday season, but don't let safety take a holiday.

There are many things that can easily slip by as holiday preparations take place. I just thought I'd mention a few areas and some safety tips to help you have a safe and happy holiday season.

Mary Zitek
Association of Illinois Electric
Cooperatives safety technician


During the holiday season shopping centers and malls are packed. Unfortunately, not all who are there are shopping for presents. Pick-pockets find this an ideal opportunity to strike. Keep your wallet or purse secure and close to you. One of the most common thefts occurs when someone bumps into you - while you're distracted, your pocket is picked. Don't leave your packages unattended. Try to store packages in your trunk so they are not in full view. If you feel uneasy in the parking lot, have security walk you to your car. If you're shopping with small children, keep them next to you or in eye's view at all tunes. Discuss a meeting place in case of separation.

When shopping for toys, refer to the age-appropriate labels. New labeling is now required on toys for children three to six if they pose a choking hazard for children under three. Select toys according to age and ability. For infants and toddlers make sure the toy does not have small parts that may pose a choking hazard or pieces that can easily fit in the ears or nose.


One of the most festive parts of the holiday season are all the decorations and lights. Check all electrical cords, plugs, wires and bulbs before you use them. Don't overload electrical outlets or extension cords, and turn off lights when you turn in for the night. Use of a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is recommended and UL approved lighting should always be used. Do not use lights on a metal tree. When using lights outdoors, use those intended for outdoor use. Make sure all connections are secure so snow and rain won't affect them. If using a ladder, follow the manufacturer's guidelines. Do not use on snow or ice. Have a buddy below to help.

Use care when burning candles. Make sure that they are not near other combustible materials. Do not use candles on or near Christmas trees and never leave candles unattended or alone with small children.

When purchasing an artificial tree make sure it is labeled as fire resistant. If purchasing a fresh tree test for freshness by grasping a branch between your thumb and forefinger. Pull it toward you, if it is fresh, very few needles will come off. Check the water level daily. Keep it away from heat sources. Hang glass ornaments or those with small pieces away from lower branches that are within reach of small children or pets. Be aware that some decorations such as mistletoe, amaryllis and holly berries are toxic. Also, old tinsel may contain lead and fire salts contain heavy metals.

Hang stockings by the chimney with care and don't light a fire in the fireplace while they're there! Before starting a fire, move all decorations away and be sure the flue is open. Do not burn wrappings; they burn fast, throwing out sparks and debris.Discard any plastic wrap on toys immediately!


Be sure to wash hands, utensils, etc. that come into contact with raw poultry. Follow cooking instructions carefully and store leftovers as soon as possible. Turn pot handles in and don't overload circuits with electrical appliances. If hosting a gathering, make sure there are non-alcoholic beverages available for those who are driving. Keep an eye out by upholstery and trash cans for smoldering cigarette butts.


Prepare for inclement weather. BUCKLE-UP! Keep extra blankets, mittens and hats in the car. Heed storm warnings and have your car winterized before the winter season. Be careful walking on snow and ice. Don't try to shovel all at once. Take a break.


Finally, take some time out for yourself. Enjoy part of the holiday by listening to music, watching a favorite movie or just putting your feet up and resting awhile.

Seasons greetings to all and have a safe new year!


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