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Readers split in their predictions;
you can help us develop technology

by Ed Wojcicki

Two months ago, in our Question of the Month, we asked you to predict who would win the presidency, and which candidate would get the most votes in Illinois. Fifty-two percent of respondents thought George W. Bush would win the national election; 48 percent predicted Al Gore. In a race too close to call, before and after the election, that split among readers is not surprising. Remember, we did not ask how you would vote — only who you thought would win. As for predictions on who would win Illinois, 71 percent of you said Gore, which was right. Of course, now I worry deeply about the appearance of the survey tearout card. It didn't include any arrows pointing in any direction, so that might have confused you. Sorry. We won't hold another vote. Thanks for your thoughtful responses, and let's just move on.

Once a year, we ask for readers' donations to help support the magazine. This year, our annual campaign focuses on technology. When the magazine's budget was established in the 1970s, we could not have predicted the technological changes that have taken place in the information industry, especially in the past 10 years. So we have an ongoing need to upgrade equipment and provide staff support for our print and online products. We have some funding, but not enough to keep us up-to-date.

So your contributions to this year's annual campaign will help us enhance our online presence, implement our vision of providing you supplemental information on our Web site and upgrade our equipment and software. It's a line item that we need to grow to provide you with the information that you want and expect from us as we gear up for a new year. Look for your contribution letter in the mail — and thanks in advance for your support.

Finally, many thanks to Philip Rock and Doris Holleb, who are stepping down at the end of this year as chair and vice chair of the Illinois Issues Board. Their leadership has been invaluable. Rock, the former Illinois Senate president, joined the board almost immediately after leaving the Senate in 1993 and just as quickly was elected our chairman by his colleagues.

Michael Bakalis will become our new chair, and Diana Nelson will be vice chair, beginning January 1. Congratulations to them for their unanimous election by the other board members. I look forward to working with this new leadership team. Illinois Issues December 2000 3

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