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David Robson
It's be kind to
your mower month

It's been sitting in the back of the garage or shed all winter collecting dust and moisture. Maybe even parked under a pile of rags. There's probably some rust on the metal parts and caked debris underneath. It's your mower. And, of course, all we think we need to do this spring is top it off with gas and crank it up. We're ready to attack the jungle of grass blades.

Unfortunately, most lawn mowers aren't given the adequate attention they need. I'd be willing to bet that most people haven't performed any maintenance on their mower since they bought it.

Mowers are investments with prices ranging from a couple hundred dollars to several thousands. To keep them running properly, they demand as much attention as you would give your car.

Your first maintenance practice in the spring is to disconnect the spark plug and examine the contacts. They should be smooth and shiny. Rusty connections can prevent starting or result in misfires. Take some emery cloth or 400 grit sandpaper and lightly go over the spark plug to remove rust. Take care not to rub too hard; it is easy to damage the contacts.

If rust is severe, replace the spark plug. They're relatively cheap in the grand scheme of things and will help make the mower purr. While the spark plug is disconnected, turn the mower carriage over and examine the blade. It is a good idea to drain the oil and gas first. Discard the oil according to local regulations and refill the engine with the proper type and grade. Engine oil should be checked at least twice yearly. Gasoline tanks should have been empty for winter storage. If not, drain the gasoline now and discard. Gasoline can separate and become gummy during the winter. Replace with fresh gasoline.

Look at the mower blades. Carefully run your hand over the blade. The cutting edge should be sharp enough to cut a piece of paper cleanly. If it isn't, you should sharpen the blades.

My mower repairman uses a pneumatic drill to tighten the blade nut, and try as I might, I just can't remove it. That's probably his way of making sure I return the mower. And truthfully, he probably does a better job sharpening the blade with his power tools than I would do with my metal file.

The big point here is safety. Make sure the spark plug is disconnected before messing around with the blade or the underside. Also, when you turn the mower over, make sure the gas cap is on securely. This is another reason to have a professional do this. Clean the under carriage thoroughly. If rust is starting, remove it with a stiff steel brush and steel wool. Repaint the underside with a rust-resistant paint and allow to dry thoroughly.

Check mowing height again. An ideal mowing height is 2 inches for most Illinois grasses.

Tighten all nuts and bolts that might have loosened over the winter. Check handle attachments carefully. Give the machine a thorough cleaning, removing accumulated grit, grime, leaves and grass clippings. Examine collection bags and repair or replace damaged ones. It doesn't hurt to hose them down with some soapy water.

Finally, reconnect the spark plug and smile as you think about all the mowing you can do for the next six months.

David Robson is an Extension Educator, Horticulture, at the Springfield Extension Center, University of Illinois Extension. You can write to Robson in care of Illinois Country Living, P.O. Box 3787, Springfield, IL 62708. Telephone: (217) 782-6515. E-Mail: robsond@mail.aces.uiuc-edu


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