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James Dulley
Let the light shine in on
you through a bay window

Q: Dear Jim: I am on a limited budget, but I want to give my living room a more open feel and get more natural light. I saw some reasonably priced bay windows at a home show. Are they efficient and what design features should I look for?

- Char Z.

A: Dear Char: Adding a bay window to a large room can brighten it substantially without the use of electric lighting, and also makes the room seem much larger. In a smaller area, such as a kitchen or breakfast nook, natural light enhances foods' colors and makes them look more appetizing than under artificial light. It might even help get your kids to eat their veggies.

If you are replacing an old standard window, then almost any new bay window of the same size will be much more energy efficient. If you are going to cut a hole in an existing insulated wall or enlarge an existing window opening more than double its size, the bay window may lose more heat because of conduction than the insulated wall or smaller window.

For rooms that often require electric lights, the electricity savings from natural lighting may offset the additional heat losses through the glass. With the bay window's projection outdoors beyond the wall surface, it will effectively capture gentle breezes during the summer. This natural ventilation can lower your air-conditioning bills and reduce the peak demand for the utility company.

Many styles of bow and bay replacement windows

Another option similar to a bay window is a bow window. Bow windows usually consist of four or more glass sections that simulate a more rounded appearance than typical angle bays. Bay windows have just three sections with the side sections typically angled at 30 or 45 degrees. Ones angled at 45 degrees provide better ventilation and a larger sill to use for sitting, plants, etc.

Your most economical and easiest-to-install option is a pre-assembled bay or bow window unit as opposed to trying to build one from scratch using three or more separate window sections. A builder is usually required to install one from scratch, but most do-it-yourselfers can install a pre-assembled unit. You remove your current window, enlarge the wall opening to the specified size for your new unit, and nail and screw it in place.

Almost any combination of window types is possible for a bay unit, but a large center picture window with casements on both sides is very popular and most efficient. The clear vertical casement glass span matches the picture window's height. Casements provide the best fresh air ventilation when opened


and an airtight seal when closed.

Bay and bow window frames that use vinyl or aluminum-clad wood on the exterior are attractive and maintenance-free. The interior surface is usually either natural wood, that can be painted or stained, or special stainable vinyl. With simulated wood graining, the stained vinyl looks authentic and is also maintenance-free.

For energy efficiency, select a unit with rigid foam insulation built into the headboard and seatboard. Some super-efficient ones also have foam-filled frames and cavities.

The glass is the heart of any window for efficiency, comfort, glare control, and fading resistance. For most climates, low-emissivity (low-e) glass with argon gas in the gap is the minimum to select. Glass with warm-edge technology (an insulating spacer separates the glass panes) is also a good choice. This saves energy year-round and reduces window condensation in cold climates during the winter.

For privacy and glare control, built-in aluminum miniblinds are available. A multipoint locking system adds security from break-ins. Motorized windows can be opened with a remote control or closed automatically with rain sensors.

Write for (instantly download Utility Bills Update No. 677 - buyer's guide of 12 manufacturers of the most efficient bay, bow, angle, and curved window kits listing frame materials, glass options, colors, warranties, and features. Please include $3.00 and a business-size SASE.

James Dulley, Illinois Country Living, 6906 Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45244.

James Dulley is a mechanical engineer who writes on a wide variety of energy and utility topics. His column appears in a large number of daily newspapers.


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