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Parking: Parking at the Hyatt Regency Chicago is accessible for persons with disabilities. If the lower garage is used, elevators provide service to the hotel.
Restrooms: All restrooms are accessible except the third floor restroom in the West Tower.
Meeting Rooms: All meeting rooms are accessible except the Buckingham.
Restaurants: All restaurants are accessible.
Sleeping Rooms: The Hyatt Regency provides 20 accessible rooms located on lower floors for easy access from the elevators. These floors have been designed for individuals with special needs.

A.D.A. & Services for the Hewing Impaired

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the IAPD/IPRA Joint Conference Committee will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. Please indicate any special needs on your registration form, or call IAPD at 630/752-0141 ext. 132 no later than December 20, 2004. If you have special needs regarding hotel accommodations, please contact the Hyatt Regency Chicago at 312/565-1234. Hearing impaired individuals who require TTDs may call 1/800-526-0844, and the Illinois Relay Center will transmit the message to IAPD or IPRA.


Admission to exhibit hall and educational sessions will be by badge only. Security guards will be stationed at the entrance to the exhibit hall and at all educational sessions.

Agency Showcase 2005

The 2005 Agency Showcase offers an opportunity for all park and recreation agencies to showcase their talent, to share ideas and to recognize the best print and audio-visual marketing and promotions materials in the state.

Professionals in the public relations, marketing and communications fields will judge nine categories. The best of show winners will be recognized at the IPRA annual meeting on Friday, January 28 at 5:30 p.m. The video entries will be shown during designated times throughout the conference. Suggestions from the judges will be provided to all entering agencies. Selected showcase entries will be on display during the conference. The agency showcase entry form will be mailed to each agency in August/ September or you may contact IPRA for an entry form. For more information about the 2005 Agency Showcase, contact Sue Olafson at the Hoffman Estates Park District at 847/781-3633. To be eligible, an agency must be a member of IAPD or have a member of IPRA on staff at the agency. Entry deadline is November 8, 2004.

All-Conference Luncheon and Awards Show

This year the IAPD/IPRA delegation will experience a phenomenal show. The "full-package" delegate receives a ticket for this event. Sit back, enjoy and honor the leaders and volunteers in the parks and recreation field.

Annual Meetings for IAPD and IPRA

The Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) annual meeting will be held on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in Grand A Ballroom, East Tower/Gold Level.

The Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) annual meeting will be held on Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in Grand A Ballroom, East Tower/Gold Level.

The associations have staggered their annual meetings in order to accommodate elected officials and professionals who would like to attend one or both meetings. Association awards will be presented during these meetings.

Boardwalk/ Park Place

You won't want to miss the opportunity to network with your fellow commissioners, professionals and colleagues from across the state in the Boardwalk/Park Place. This networking lounge is located adjacent to the main conference registration area. East Tower/Gold Level.

Commissioner Reception
Attention all IAPD members!

Please join us on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in Grand B Ballroom, East Tower/ Gold Level immediately following educational sessions for the Commissioner Reception. This reception will be an excellent opportunity for commissioners to exchange ideas, network and socialize. The IAPD board and staff will be present to answer questions and visit with commissioners.

Illinois Parks and Recreation - 33
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