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Membership Report

New Members:
Archbishop Quigley Prep Seminary, Chicago
Ball Horticultural Co, West Chicago
Black Hawk College, Moline
Brethren Home of Girard, Girard
Brintlinger & Earl Funeral Homes, Decatur
Thelma Davenport, Springfield
Brian Dees, Springfield
Dominy Memorial Library, Fairbury
Dr John Warner Hospital, Clinton
Faber Floral Co, Kankakee
Farmers Elevator of Lowder, Waverly
First National Bank of Sullivan, Sullivan
Bruce Gerhardt, Omaha, NE
Gietl Brothers Inc, Springfield
Grayslake Times, Grayslake
Greenville Public Library, Greenville
Lloyd Hammel, Carlyle
Illinois Veterans Home Library, Quincy
Kenneth Juncer, Deerfield
Jody Kienzler, Vacavilla, CA
Michael Lamczyk, Elburn
David Lawless, Springfield
Maywood Public Library, Maywood
Robert McCormick, Glendale, AZ
Naper Central Food Inc, Naperville
Produce Reporter Co, Carol Stream
Rotary International, Evanston
John E. Sallstrom, Milledgebille, GA
Mark & Patricia Sanders, Deerfield
Semler Industries, Franklin
Park Shields Memorial Home, Greenfield
St Francis Hospital & Health Ctr, Blue Island
St Mary' School, Pontiac
St Rita of Cascia High School, Chicago
Rotary Club of Chicago, Chicago
Judy & Terry Ullrich, Madisonville, LA
John and Susie Furry, St. Clair Shores, MI

David & Jan Brady, Springfield - Family
Terri Cameron, Springfield — Sustaining
John & Janice Petterchak, Springfield — Family

Bloomingdale Public Library, Bloomingdale
Robert McColley, Urbana
Charlotte Renehan, Grayslake
Marvin W. Ehlers, Deerfield

Gift Memberships from:
Santa (2)
Dan Buck
Larry Hansen
Mary Lou Johnsrud

Illinois Heritage 27

Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library