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How Will You Make a Difference in 2006?


William J. M. Wald
IPRA Chief Executive Officer

Can you believe that 2006 is here already? At IPRA, the past year was filled with so many changes — new staff, new office, new membership offerings and so much more. I am pleased to say that as happy as I was with our progress in 2005, I can guarantee that the future is going to amaze you.


Education will be the top priority for IPRA in 2006. We will offer not the same old workshops, but new, innovative workshops. Maintaining your CEUs will be easier than ever because you aren't going to want to miss out on all the educational opportunities.

Helping strengthen education in 2006 is the addition of Dina Kartch, IPRA's education and conferences director. Dina joined IPRA in November. She brings a strong background in teaching and association conference planning.

One of the main goals we've set for Dina is to increase both the quantity and quality of educational workshops and conferences. In particular, she will work closely with the sections to develop unique opportunities for their members.

Education is the backbone of the association, and we will be attacking every opportunity available for education in 2006. Better topics. Better speakers. Better attendance. IPRA will continue to do its best at advancing the professional careers of its members.


IPRA can help you advance in your career, but it's up to you to make it happen.

New for 2006, IPRA will continue unrolling new technological advancements in many areas. The Web site,, which averages around a million hits each month, will undergo some changes based on feedback from members.

Navigating the Web site has been difficult for some. So steps to ease this process will be made in the upcoming months. A proposed "stepping stone" concept is being developed for navigating through the Web site. The dropdown menus will be simplified and organized so that users can easily find their way, whether or not they are familiar with IPRA or the Web site.

Steps have already been made in 2005 to ease this process. A Quick Links area on the main page allows for easy access to some of the most viewed pages on the site.

Resume Builder

Maintaining your CEUs will be easier than ever because you aren't going to want to miss out on all the educational opportunities.

Another area of great excitement involving the Web site is the creation of a "resume builder." Currently in production, the resume builder project will give members the opportunity to post their resumes on line. Resumes will remain completely confidential to the general public and only paying agencies — those looking to fill staff positions — will have the access to view the resume details.

In 2006, members will have the ability to access the best job opportunity Web site for parks and recreation in Illinois, with the option of having current resumes in the hands of employers at all times. Companies like and Hot Jobs have been doing this for years, and now it's our time. This project is perfect for students looking for jobs right out of school and others looking to switch positions later in life.

8 Illinois Parks and Recreation

How Will You Make a Difference?

Take advantage of the wonderful resources IPRA has to offer in 2006. Often this year, you'll hear us refer to the four "hot topics": education, resources, networking and certification. Each of these areas makes IPRA what it is today. Each of these areas defines what IPRA will be in the future. The benefits of membership in IPRA are in your hands. What will you do with them? How will you make a difference?

IPRA can help you advance in your career, but it's up to you to make it happen. It doesn't matter how many resources or workshops we offer, or how often we send out an eNewsletter or update our Web site, unless you take advantage.

We are here to help you. If you have questions, don't hesitate to call us or send us an e-mail. If you have suggestions, we urge you to get involved with individual sections and run for positions on the board of directors.

It's your membership. It's your association. How will you make a difference in 2006? January/February 2006 9

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