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IAPD General Counsel

Tell Your Story in 2006
A Twelve-Month Program for Legislative Literacy

There is compelling evidence that park districts, forest preserves and conservation agencies are doing a terrific job providing services to their communities. A review of seasonal brochures offered by most agencies shows the wide breadth of recreation programs being offered to Illinois citizens.

Progress on protecting open space is also evident in many districts across the state as districts struggle to keep up with sprawl.

You are doing a great job, but many boards of commissioners and executive staff members either forget or fail to share the good news. Telling your story is critical to the success of your agency and to the perception that members of the community, policymakers and lawmakers hold of your agency.

We all know that being able to deliver services most effectively is done when you create relationships. This issue of IP&R has an excellent article on the many and varied partnerships park districts create. Many boards also know that building relationships with their representatives and senators makes a key difference when seeking funding for grants and special projects. The questions all boards need to ask are: "How effective are we in building these relationships?" and "What have we done lately?"

In 2006, I encourage each agency to create an advocacy calendar along the lines suggested below.

Give yourself a pop quiz on advocacy. Do you know the answers to the following questions?
• Who are my elected state and federal officials and where are their local district offices?
• What are their legislative records and general philosophies related to parks and recreation?
• What issues are they passionate about?
• Do I have any personal connections with any of my elected officials? Hobbies, service clubs, church, alumni events and shopping at the same grocery store can all be the basis for building a better long-term relationship. Remember, legislators are just like you. They are "joiners" and like to be over-committed, so find the overlap and get to know them.

• This month commit to inviting your legislator to join your agency at the IAPD/IPRA Annual Awards Luncheon scheduled for Friday, January 27, 2006 at the Hilton Chicago.

Become familiar with your state legislators and their staffs, who are the lifelines to the offices of those legislators who represent you. Visit the local district office to get to know the people on the front line. Speak with them about opportunities for your legislator to get out in front of the parks community. Discuss the legislative breakfast your district will participate in.

• This month make a commitment to attend a legislative breakfast scheduled in your area. It is a great way to learn about the issues affecting the park districts in your area.

Nothing shows commitment like traveling to where a legislator has his or her state office. Visiting legislators in Springfield sends a two-fold message: First, that you are committed to the missions and goals of your district. Second, that you are interested in how your legislator represents you at the State Capitol. Getting a Statehouse view of the pressures and demands of the legislative process will help you understand how best to interact with your legislator.

• This month commit to attend the Legislative Conference and Parks Day at the State Capitol, which will take place in Springfield on March 27 and 28, 2006.

This year the legislative calendar calls for an April 7 adjournment. If that is met, legislators will be returning to their local district offices and hitting the campaign trail.

• This month commit to contacting your legislators by phone or letter to thank them for their efforts on behalf of your district. Believe it or not, many constituents write to complain, but few write to congratulate.

The grass is turning green and recreational programs will be hitting their full stride. It is a perfect time to help your legislators understand what you really offer the community.

• This month commit to inviting your legislators (one at a time) to visit your park district, and I mean really visit. Take each one on a personal tour of all your parks and facilities. Explain the different age groups you serve and the participation levels at your district's programs and sites. If you need your legislators' help in the future, it is best that they have firsthand knowledge of your district.

Many park districts have special events that revolve around groundbreakings, tree plantings, dedications, etc. For legislators — especially in an election year — nothing is more important than positive public visibility. So, when it comes to positive public relations, share the wealth with the legislators that so diligently serve your district in Springfield.

10 Illinois Parks and Recreation

This month commit to inviting your legislators to such an activity at your park district. Involve them in the event.

This month is typically designated as parks and recreation month, and many districts celebrate it with special events. Join the celebration by getting involved in the recreation you provide the community. Play golf or tennis with your legislator. A great opportunity to do this is during the IAPD/IPRA Legislative Golf Outing to be held this year on July 27 at the beautiful White Pines Golf Course in Bensenville.

•This month commit to attending the Legislative Golf Outing this year. It is guaranteed to be the best outing you will attend all summer.

As summer heats up, it's time to build relationships within the community. In today's economic environment, collaboration is the key to success. Since all relationships need to be nourished, spend time with the mayor and superintendent of schools and other leaders.

• This month commit to developing a presentation on the attributes, offerings and facilities in your agency. Set up a speakers bureau among the board and staff, and take your show on the road to all the service groups in your district.

Discuss among board and staff new ideas to share information on your agency. The following are a few suggestions.

• Sponsor a forum for legislators running for office.
• Create a guest column in your newsletter or other publications and solicit your legislators to write.
• Highlight positive items of support from legislators in publications.
• Send copies of photo opportunities back to legislators for use in their literature.
•Put state legislators on local agency mailing lists for seasonal brochures and other information.

With a general election taking place on November 7, next month may be the most important one for elected officials. As you know, the impact of this election can be felt for years to come.

Remember the old adage, "If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain." Recent electoral history shows clearly that every vote counts. Make sure that you vote and get the vote out among your constituents.

• This month commit to involve yourself in a political campaign.
• Contact a candidate's headquarters to learn what help is needed.
• Make a contribution to a candidate.
• Volunteer at the campaign headquarters.
• Walk a precinct.
• Make telephone calls.
• Work on election day.
• Send postcards to your friends and neighbors.
• Host an event in your home.
• Place a yard sign in your yard.
• Put yard signs or posters up.

Now that the weather has turned and you've gotten all your leaves raked up, it's time to head to the computer. Understanding the nuances of the legislative process is fun and can be accelerated by the Web-based information at your fingertips.

• This month commit to searching Web sites that feature legislative information. Don't forget the IAPD site at, which is loaded with current information on bill status, special legislation impacting your agency and background on how you can be a better advocate for your agency.

Congratulations, your comfort level for advocacy has reached a new high. It's time to take a well-deserved break, but don't forget to add your legislators to your Christmas card list.

• This month commit to starting 2007 on the advocacy fast track. As you know by now, the odd numbered legislative year is the time when the majority of all legislation is introduced. With a new legislature being sworn in, it's time to build new relationships again.

Have fun. January/February 2006 11

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