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William J. M. Wald
IPRA Chief Executive Officer


A Day in the Life

I would first like to say thank you to everyone who made the 2006 IAPD/IPRA Conference a huge success. Thank you to the staff of both the IAPD and the IPRA, the conference committee and all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this year's conference a valuable learning and networking occasion. Your dedication to the conference and the advancement of parks and recreation in Illinois should be applauded. Thank you.

The golf season has finally arrived. Like many of you, I spent the last weeks of winter watching golf tournaments on TV and wishing it were sunny and 80 degrees here in Illinois.

What a life fhose professional golfers must have. Can you imagine playing golf every week at the best courses in the world, traveling to beautiful places, being loved by everyone?

I'm sure being a professional golfer has its bad times too. I'm sure the pressure putts, the cameras, the media and having your life documented for everyone to see might get to be a bit stressful. But the thought of being on a golf course every day just seems like a dream.

Wouldn't we all like to have just a tiny slice of their lives? A day in the life of Tiger Woods...or Sergio Garcia...or Phil Mickelson... can you imagine?

What if I told you that you had the opportunity to spend a week with some of the best professional golfers in the world and you didn't even have to leave the Chicagoland area? What if I told you that you could walk side-by-side with the players and possibly even drive them around in luxury automobiles?

Each year, for the past 13 years, the Illinois Park & Recreation Association has recruited and organized the largest volunteer effort for the Western Open.
I bet you're thinking, "How do I sign up?"

It's easy.

Each year, for the past 13 years, the Illinois Park & Recreation Association has recruited and organized the largest volunteer effort for the Western Open, which is the largest professional golf tournament in the Midwest and the oldest tournament on the regular PGA Tour. IPRA volunteers are the ambassadors of the event.

Hold on. You're probably thinking to yourself, "How is volunteering for a golf tournament at all related to being a professional golfer?"

Honestly it's not. But you're still reading, right?

So hear me out.

Whether you like golf or not, volunteering at the Western Open is fun for all. You're not only helping out at one of the most prestigious golf tournaments, you're meeting new people and making new friends.
Volunteering for the Western Open, held July 3-9 in Lemont at the Cog Hill Golf and Country Club, is an experience second to none. IPRA volunteers, 400 plus strong — all wearing the same official golf shirt and hat — have a unique presence on the golf course. Our volunteers are the first ones you'll see when entering the gates. They're stationed at the VIP hospitality tents overlooking some of the hottest golfing action. They're at the clubhouse serving as "bouncers" so the general public doesn't get too close to the players, and they're also driving the players from fhe clubhouse to the tee boxes.

Sounds like a good time doesn't it? But there's more.

All volunteers get a complimentary golf shirt and hat, lunch and admission to the tournament on the days they are not volunteering. For every day that you volunteer,

8 Illinois Parks and Recreation

IPRA will also give you a complimentary ticket for a friend or family member to join you at the tournament.

Some of you out there are thinking, "I don't like golf and have no interest in helping out with a golf tournament."

Would you rather be at a pool or playing basketball?

Maybe you're better suited to volunteer at the Wee Western. Many of the golfers' families travel with them from city to city, so IPRA created the Wee Western to serve as the premiere childcare program for the players' children. Held at an off-site location, you would help entertain the kids with fun games and awesome daytrips.

So whether you like golf or not, volunteering at the Western Open is fun for all. You're not only helping out at one of the most prestigious golf tournaments, you're meeting new people and making new friends. One of the best things about getting involved with IPRA is the networking opportunities that we offer. Volunteering at the Western Open is one of them.

Don't just volunteer alone. Volunteer with your coworkers, your friends or your family. Everyone is welcome to volunteer, and the more the merrier!

I forgot to mention that volunteering for the Western Open through the IPRA is free! No other group at the tournament allows its volunteers to help out for free.

What's stopping you from volunteering at this year's tournament? The work isn't hard. You can't beat the price (or lack thereof). You'll meet new people and make new friends. You'll get to enjoy the golf. And you'll get great satisfaction out of knowing that you helped out.

IPRA would love for you to join the volunteer effort. Volunteer forms and online registration can be found on the IPRA Web site at If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call Mike Selep, professional services director, at (630) 376-1911 or e-mail him at March/April 2006 9

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