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IAPD Honors

Four Outstanding State Legislators

Representative Elaine Nekritz


IAPD General Counsel Peter Murphy, IAPD President and CEO Ted Flickinger,
Senator Edward D. Maloney and Outgoing IAPD Chair Pam Newton

18 Illinois Parks and Recreation

Senator Edward D. Maloney and Representative Michael P. McAuliffe of Chicago, Representative Elaine Nekritz of Northbrook and Representative Kathleen A. Ryg of Vernon Hills were presented with the Illinois Association of Park Districts' "2005 Outstanding Legislator of the Year" Awards during the annual awards luncheon held in conjunction with the IAPD/IRPA conference in January.

The legislators were nominated for the awards by their constituent park districts and the IAPD Board of Trustees. "The association's legislative achievements this past year would not have been possible without their leadership," said Ted Flickinger, IAPD's president and CEO. "They are all exceptional legislators who have served as leaders in the General Assembly for the acquisition of open space and the furthering of recreational opportunities for all who live, work or play in Illinois."

The legislators earned their honors for supporting legislation benefiting park districts, forest preserves, conservation and recreation agencies. Senator Maloney gained the IAPD's recognition for co-sponsoring legislation that permits the annexation of park district property by a municipality only upon the consent of the park board. Outgoing IAPD Chair Pam Newton said that Representative Nekritz won IAPD's notice because she is a widely recognized champion of environmental interests. Representative McCauliffe's actions saved one district over SI million in duplicative infrastructure costs, and Kathy Ryg was recognized for her ability to make a difference in resolving local issues.

The awards were presented during the IAPD/IPRA annual conference attended by more than 4,000 park and recreation elected officials and professionals at the Hilton-Chicago.

Representative Michael P. McAuliffe

Representative Kathleen A. Ryg March/April 2006 19

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