Illinois Issues
VOL. III, NO. 5 / MAY 1977

Table of Contents

3/Public Aid: Welfare's chronic case of frustration
/Gary Adkins

8/The caseworker: Paperpushers or people servers

/First of two articles by Roy Wehrle

10/Factions and issues inside the Senate: "Will 'regulars' and 'independents' split the Democrats' majority?" by
/Gary Delsohn

11/Factions and issues inside the Senate: "Can the Republicans stay solid and support the governor's programs?" by
/Mary C. Galligan

15/Leo Eisel: Director of Environmental Protection Agency

/William Lambrecht

18/Public aid funding: HEW memorandum turned federal policy upside down
/Second of three installments by Martha Derthick

22/Decatur still needs water, and many think there was a good case for Oakley dam

/O. T. Banton


30/Chicago — A struggle over succession? An acting mayor? Chicago has seen it before
/Charles B. Cleveland

31/Washington — Sen. Stevenson achieves some reforms in sacrosanct Senate committee system

/Tom Littlewood


24/Thompson's budget: The smallest state spending increase in nine years

/Mary C. Galligan and Therese Sheehy

7/Audit critical of General Services payment procedure
17/IEPA launches state clean water plan
27/Legislative Action: A spring flood of pending bills
28/Executive Report: Attorney General Opinions
28/Judicial Rulings: "Cocaine not a drug" and "Erasing a tax technicality"

21/Selected State Reports

ART CREDITS / Springfield artist Ed Dyson drew the art for the cover illustrating the dilemma of public aid programs. Dyson's illustration is repeated on page 5. The portraits of the Senate leaders, Democrat Thomas Hynes and Republican David Shapiro, for the article on factions and issues in the Senate on pages 10-13 are the work of Mary Fredriksen of Springfield. She also drew the portrait of Leo Eisel, the new director of the Environmental Protection Agency, for his interview on page 15. Jim Krohe, a Springfield writer and artist, designed the three charts on pages 24 and 25 to illustrate Thompson's budget.

Articles for Illinois Issues are written by professional writers or by experts in various fields of government. Students have also written for the magazine. The editors welcome inquiries from writers. Unsolicited articles should be accompanied by self-addressed stamped envelope. Consideration will be given to all manuscripts, but all articles published in Illinois Issues must present objectively all sides to an issue. Editorial offices are located at 226 Capital Campus, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Ill. 62708.

2 / May 1977 / Illinois Issues

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