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In This Issue

By Ted Flickinger
Managing Editor
Ted Flickinger

This issue of IPR magazine presents a "special focus" on Recreation Programming. The membership of the Recreation Programming Section of IPRA has elicited a wide variety of articles that share successful programs and outline new trends and changes in the profession:

Governor Thompson has proclaimed May as Trail Appreciation Month. Illinois' emerging trails network is featured in an article by Karen Fonte on page 6.

Mick McAndrews explains how the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) has provided parents with information to help them choose the "right" sports experience for their children.

John Crysdale and Kent Cox take you behind the scenes of Freeport Park District's Halloween event, "Ride with the Ghost".

• See how Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department beat the odds against local cynicism and brought national exposure to their community in an article by Randy R. Ralston.

Debbie Reichenbach shares her highly successful formula for organizing your own "All-Star Team" to promote health and fitness programs in your community.

Don VanArsdale conducts a definitive interview with Peggy Sorenson on American Red Cross Certification changes and applications.

On the Legal/Legislative Scene, Peter M. Murphy lists important bills to track in the legislature and presents highlights of this year's Legislative Conference.

We're sure you will find this issue diverse, informative and a pleasure to read. Best wishes for a smooth start to a great summer season!

On The Cover

Camouflage as art — resplendently photographed by Kim Harris of Murphysboro. Balancing responsibilities as an assistant professor in the College of Agriculture at SIU - Carbondale, Kim does "double-duty" as photographic recorder of southern Illinois' scenic beauty.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 May/June 1989

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