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State Reports

Items listed under State Reports have been received by the Documents Unit, Illinois State Library, Springfield, and are usually available from public libraries in the state through inter-library loan. Issuing agencies may have copies available. For items listed under Other Reports, write to the publisher as noted.

State Reports

Illinois History in the Re-Making: A Guide to Special Events at State-Owned Historic Sites. 1990, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Old State Capitol, Springfield 62701 (January 1990).

This handy booklet, which may be slipped into a purse or a pocket, lists by month the many special events that take place throughout the year at historic sites all over this state. Opening and closing times as well as admission prices are included where these are applicable. A map shows site locations.

Other Reports

Fighting Poverty in Cities: Transportation Programs as Bridges to Opportunity, National League of Cities, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20004, (202) 626-3000, (1989), 40 pp.; $15 per copy plus $2 for postage and handling.

Just Jobs Inc. of Chicago is one of five programs highlighted in this study of efforts to connect the impacted ghetto with opportunity on the metropolitan periphery of major urban centers in the United States. A general conclusion drawn by the report is that increased metropolitan decentralization as well as the demographic changes in our cities have led to labor changes that make recent transportation-based programs more feasible than those that were tried 15 to 20 years ago. Just Jobs, which was begun in 1971, provides a temporary job placement service for residents of Uptown, North Lawndale and Little Village. It places an average daily workforce of 700 persons.

New Horizons for Local School Leaders: Creating Schools for the Twenty-First Century, Illinois Association of School Boards, 1209 S. Fifth, Springfield 62703 (February 1990), 154 pp.; $12 plus $2 for postage.

This collection of 21 articles reflects the views of experts who spoke at a symposium sponsored by IASB in April 1989. It reports on technology, new ideas about teaching and learning, the place of morals and values in public schools and offers practical suggestions for creating the schools of the future. The authors include such people as demographer Harold Hodgkinson, Apple Computer expert Alan Kay, historian Diane Ravitch and Richard Falk of Princeton University. The volume is divided into five parts: future visions, current issues, getting from here to there, teaching and learning, and technology.

Anna J. Merritt

28/May 1990/IIIinois Issues

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