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Intergovernmental Cooperation:
The Park District Advantage

"Cooperative Efforts Create Win-Win-Win Opportunities"
Page 8

Budget Crisis Portends Long Legislative Session

Image 1

Page 11


Trends Affect Your Organization in Many Ways
Page 34

6 Across the Board: Grooming The New Board Member
by Dr. Ted Flickinger, CAE, IAPD Executive Director

8 SPECIAL FEATURE: Cooperative Efforts Create Win-Win-Win Opportunities
by Jim Clare and Glenn Kost

11 Legal/Legislative Scene
by Peter M. Murphy, CAE, IAPD General Counsel

16 SPECIAL LEGAL FEATURE: New Transportation Act Means New Source of Funding

17 Fees And Charges: A Trend Towards Change
by John Muno and Roger Key

21 Meet The Environmental Odd Couple of the '90s
by Kenneth S. Kutska, CLP

27 Inclusion of Persons With Disabilities Into Community Recreation Programs Has Dramatically Increased
by Thomas S. Suhs

32 Governor's Conference Charts The Future
by Ted Flickinger

34 TRENDS: Trends Affect Your Organization in Many Ways
by Kathy Cassens

35 People, Places & Things

Tim Snodgrass, Editor
Springfield, Illinois

Theodore B. Flickinger, Managing Editor
Executive Director, IAPD, Springfield, Illinois

National Advertising Representative
Allan S. Young
P.O. Box 4407
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60006
(708) 670-0264

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 May/June 1992

A Note From The Editor

Are You Ecologically Literate?

A Quiz on the Science of Ecology

1. Of all the species that ever lived on Earth, how many still exist?

A. More than 95 percent
B. Approximately two-thirds
C. Less than 1 percent

2. Which of the following statements about extinction is false?

A. Humans have had little effect of the rate of extinction.
B. Extinction is an essential aspect of Darwin's theory of natural selection.
C. Most animal species becoming extinct as a result of Amazon deforestation are insects.

3. Which of the following is a permanent feature of the Earth's surface?

A. The Mississippi River
B. The Rocky Mountains
C. None of these features

4. What is the ultimate source of virtually all energy used by living things on Earth?

A. Energy stored in fossil fuels
B. Nuclear reactions in the sun
C. Geothermal activity

5. Which of the following does not apply to every ecosystem?

A. Energy of some kind must always flow into the system
B. The elements of life must always cycle within the system
C. There must always be predators


1. C. Scientists who study the fossil record of life believe that the vast majority of species that once lived on Earth are now extinct.

2. A. Humans, by overhunting large vertebrates and by altering environments have caused a significant increase in the rate of extinction. Scientists estimate that 20 percent of all species could be lost in the next decade through human activities.

3. C. The Earth's surface undergoes constant change.

4. B. The ultimate source of energy for life is nuclear reactions in the sun.

5. C. In every ecosystem, energy flows and matter cycles. Predators, which consume the consumers of plants, are not necessary in all ecosystems.

On The Cover

Jerry Pask took this photograph of the putting green and first tee at Palatine Park District's Palatine Hills Golf Course.

Cover photo

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 May/June 1992

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