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IAPD and IPRA Support Conservation Congress
Delegates Propose 39 Recommendations for Consideration

The Conservation Congress held in Springfield February 5-7 brought together a wide variety of constituent groups with an interest in natural resources and outdoor recreation. One-hundred-eighteen delegates, including representatives from the Illinois Association of Park Districts and Illinois Park and Recreation Association, presented the Illinois Department of Conservation with a package of 39 recommendations for consideration.

Recommendations included support for user fees, expansion of conservation education efforts, protection of Illinois waterways, preparation of a comprehensive statewide greenways and trails plan, generation of new revenues through a dedicated sales tax, creation of a volunteer network and maintaining controlled pheasant hunting. The entire package will be forwarded to Governor Jim Edgar after the Department of Conservation provides analysis.

The delegates, 60 elected regional and 58 appointed statewide, were welcomed to Springfield by Governor Edgar and Conservation Director Brent Manning. Delegates met in committees for the first two days. On the final day, the Assembly of Delegates convened in the House of Representatives chambers to vote on 51 committee recommendations.

Representing IAPD and IPRA were Don Jessen, IAPD President and Commissioner of Addison Park District; Keith Frankland, IPRA Past President and Director of Parks & Recreation of Woodridge Park District; Ron Lehman, IAPD Past President and Commissioner of Channahon Park District; Ronald Dodd, IPRA Past President and Director of Parks & Recreation of Joliet Park District; Judy Beck, IAPD President-Elect and Commissioner of Glenview Park District; and Cynthia Peterson, IAPD Director and Commissioner of Vernon Hills Park District. Ted Flickinger, IAPD Executive Director, and Bonnie Noble, IAPD Past President and Director of Parks & Recreation of Peoria Park District, served on the Technical Advisory Panel.

Don Jessen
Don Jessen, IAPD President and
Commissioner of Addison Park District
Keith Frankland
Keith Frankland, IPRA Past President
and Director of Parks & Recreation
of Woodridge Park District

Judy Beck
Judy Beck, IAPD President-Elect and
Commissioner of Glenview Park District
Ron Lehman
Ron Lehman, IAPD Past President and
Commissioner of Channahon Park District
Ronald Dodd
Ronald Dodd, IPRA Past President and
Director of Parks & Recreation of Joliet
Park District

Illinois Parks and Recreation       23        January/February 1993

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