Illinois Issues

A publication of the University of Illinois at Springfield
February 1999 Volume XXV, No.2

Good Ole Virtual U

Getting in gear

Abraham Lincoln

Good Ole Virtual U, page 22
Getting in gear, page 16
Abraham Lincoln, pages 26-33

16 Getting in gear Essay by James Krohne Jr.
The voters have made their choices, and the officials have taken their oaths. Now the machinery of state government cranks back up.
22 Good Ole Virtual U by Burney Simpson
There are no football games or homecoming dances. Cyberstudents don't have to leave home at all. Universities are competing to sign them up.
24 Guest essay:
A need and an opportunity by Ann Fisher & Barbara Otto
26 Q&A: The Lincoln library
by Peggy Boyer Long
29 Books: Letters to Lincoln
by Peggy Boyer Long
32 Research:
Lincoln the divorce lawyer by Stacy Pratt Mc Dermott
3 Conversation with the Publisher
by Ed Wojcicki
4 Editor's Notebook
by Peggy Boyer Long
6 State of the Stateby Burney Simpson
George H. Ryan's promises

10 Briefly
by Rodd Whelpley
34 People
by Rodd Whelpley
40 Letters
41 A View from the Suburbs
by Madeleine Doubek Hastert wants to be like Michel
42 Politics
by Charles N. Wheeler III The cost of Ryan's promises

Credits:This month's cover was designed by Daisy Juarez.

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