Campaign finance reform a lost cause

Campaign finance reform is a lost cause (see Illinois Issues, September 1998, page 38; October 1998, page 12).

All efforts to control campaign funding have failed since the time of George Washington. There is always a way to bypass the law. Change can come only from the conviction that bribery or payment for access is wrong.

Since our Supreme Court has ruled that the contribution of my $5 to the candidate of my choice is my First Amendment right, money — whether it is $5 or $5 million — is my right of free expression.

The only alternative to the control of our country by the wealthy is to redirect power from the top down to the bottom up. When we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and "to the republic for which it stands," doesn't this mean that the people have control? Shouldn't we look to our 3, 500 county board [members] to initiate steps to improve education, to prevent crime, to develop a health program, to provide jobs with a living wage and to eliminate poverty? When can we expect our county boards to listen to their constituents and save our country?
Lillian M. Snyder
Professor Emeritus
Western Illinois University

Illinois does not tolerate racist views
Thank God for the Illinois state Supreme Court committee that voted to reject Matt Hale's admission to the Illinois Bar. If Mr. Hale obtains national recognition noting the fact that Illinois does not support or tolerate racist views, all the better. Move on, Mr. Hale. You're not welcome here.
Mary P. McCarter

40 / June 1999 Illinois Issues

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