Illinois Issues

——————— A publication of the University of Illinois at Springfield

June 1999 Volume XXV, No. 6

Costly Cargo
Costly cargo, page 31
Unhappy Trails
Unhappy trails, page 16
Species politics
Species politics, page 28

16 Unhappy trails by Bill Lambrecht
The clomp of horses is the sound of a new recreation source/or the Shawnee. And a big land-use tussle.
22 Photo essay by Gary Kolb
Standing on the Shawnee
24 Snapshots by Ann Londrigan, Beverley Scobell & Sean Crawford
Wine tours, Civil War battle sites and fish farms
25 THE WAR AT HOME by Beverley Scobell
Thousand could visit the battle sites
27 FISH FARMS by Sean Crawford
Southern Illinois' small ponds and lakes are 'ideal'
28 Species politics by Alex Rodriguez
As politicians and environmentalists battle over protection policies, a small black-and-brown snake struggles to survive.
31 Costly Cargo by Stephanie Zimmermann
Illinois businesses are at the front lines in the war against the Asian long-horned beetle and other exotic pests.

34 Guest essay by Harold Henderson
'Good sprawl'?

3 Conversation with the Publisher by Ed Wojcicki
4 Editor's Notebook
by Peggy Boyer Long
6 State of the State
by Burney Simpson Priming the jobs pump
8 Briefly
by Road Whelpley
38 People
by Rodd Whelpley
40 Letters
41 A View from Chicago by James Ylisela Jr. Paul Vallasfor sainthood?
42 Politics by Charles N. Wheeler III Lawmakers have gone home

Credits: The photograph on this month's cover was taken by Gary Kolb, who teaches photography at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Illinois Issues June 1999 / 5

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