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Congratulations to the winners of Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine's 2002 "Give Us Your Best Shot" Photo Contest, sponsored by the Joint Editorial Committee of the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association.


1st Place:

Carol Tapio
Downers Grove Park District
"Cone flowers at Belmont Prairie"

2nd Place:
Birgit Olson
Carol Stream Park District

A total of 86 photographs were submitted in four categories: Nature/Landscapes, Recreation, Wildlife and Sports. "Entering the contest is a great way to showcase the talent of the people within your agency," says Cheryl Crisman, recreation supervisor of the Plainfield Township Park District, co-chair of the contest, and "keeper of the photos" for her agency.

One such great talent is Carol Tapio, public information officer for the Downers Grove Park District. Tapio studied photography in college and once worked as an assistant photographer for the University of Minnesota. Her artsy coneflower shot took first place in the Nature/Landscapes category.

Says Tapio: "We were losing light really fast and I wanted to get something and it was just done at sunset. I had bracketed it, which means you shoot some under and some overexposed so you get a variation in your exposure.

"You have to catch the coneflowers; it's such a short season."

Catch some shots in the upcoming seasons and remember the annual "Give Us Your Best Shot" Photo Contest. Winners receive a framed and matted print of their entry, presented at a local board meeting and displayed at the IAPD/IPRA Conference in Chicago.

Sponsorship Opportunity
Associate your company with Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine's popular photo contest by sponsoring this annual program. Call IAPD or IPRA for details.

32 Illinois Parks and Recreation


1st Place:
Lori Magee
Buffalo Grove Park District
"You Are My Sunshine"

2nd Place:
Jerry Daliege
Park Ridge Recreation and Park District
"Hanging In There"


1st Place:
Dan Thompson
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
"A Blanding's Turtle"

2nd Place:
William Weidner
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
"Girls and Snakes"


1st Place:
Jerry Daliege
Park Ridge Recreation and Park District
"Little Tennis Pro"

2nd Place:
Birgit Olson
Carol Stream Park District
"He Shoots, He Scores!"

November/December 2002 33

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