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Gift Memberships:
Lois Barrett, Harrisburg
Dan Buck, Springfield
Dan Barringer, Bloomington
Dennis Bentley, Chicago
Donald Brown, Roanoke
John Craig, Springfield
Roland Cross & Family, Springfield
Jonathan Dixon, Chicago
First National Bank, Mulberry Grove
Kroeschell, Inc., Chicago
Cheryl Laws, Ballwin, MO
Randall McDaniel, Webster, TX
Rep. Ruth Munson, Elgin
Lisa Oppenheim, Chicago
James Patton III & Family, Springfield
John Pearson, Chicago
Shirley Portwood, Godfrey
Christopher Quinn, Champaign
Johnny Rainwater, Alburquerque, NM
Neil & Peggy Riley, Livermore, CA
John Robertson, Springfield
Laura Rogers, Chicago
Josh Sopiarz, St. Louis, MO

Amy Clark, Fairview Heights
Albert O. Eck & Family, Springfield
Lloyd & Evelyn Hoshaw, Rockford

Dan Buck, Springfield
Henry Gordon, Patchogue, NY
Mrs. Paul Guenzel, Chicago
Lawrence Hansen, River Forest
Russell Lewis, Chicago
Logan County Title Co., Lincoln
Joan Neumiller, Galesburg
Mark Plummer, Bloomington
Saline County Tourism Board, Harrisburg
The Joyce Foundation, Chicago
Roland Steibel, La Quinta, CA

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Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library