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The Illinois State Historical Society's Centennial Awards Program

The Centennial Awards program honors Illinois businesses and other enterprises that have achieved or surpassed a century of continuous operation. Winners receive a Centennial plaque, a complimentary one-year membership in the Society and the use of the Centennial Award Program logo for as long as they are members. Frequently they also contribute to the research, study and preservation of Illinois history through their support of the Society or the donation of records and archives to a local historical society or the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.

Artistic Achievement and Lifetime Achievement Awards

The Artistic Achievement Award honors organizations that have contributed significantly to their art as well as their community. The Lifetime Achievement Award honors outstanding individuals and their career accomplishments.

Centennial Awards Program Committee

Norman B. Berger, General Chair
John T. Trutter, Council for Illinois History
Leah Axelrod, Banquet Chair
Alfred M. Klairmont, Distinguished Service Chair
Patricia Brickhouse, Chicago
Pat Walton, Hanover Park
Elaine Egdorf, Homewood
Marvin W. Ehlers, Deerfield
Scott Lesser, Chicago
Ellsworth Mills II, Highland Park
Jack Taylor, Kildeer
Jo Pielet, Chicago

Illinois State Historical Society Officers & Directors

President: Marvin W. Ehlers, Deerfield
Vice President: Mark Sorensen, Decatur
Treasurer: Arthur M. Martin, Chicago
Secretary: Russell Lewis, Chicago

Alberta Adamson, Wheaton
Leah Axelrod, Highland Park
Michael Batinski, Carbondale
Herbert Channick, Highland Park
John Craig, Springfield
Elaine Egdorf, Homewood
Redd Griffin, Oak Park
Lawrence Hansen, River Forest
Shirley Portwood, Godfrey
Theodore Wachholz, Arlington Heights
Patricia Walton, Hanover Park
John Week, Sycamore
Randall Witter, Springfield
Dennis Williams, Quincy
Robyn Williams, Harrisburg


William Furry, Executive Director
Mary Lou Johnsrud, Office Manager


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