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Membership Report

New and Reinstated Members:
Elizabeth Boba, Seattle, WA
Jeff Douglas, Galesburg
Claude Franklin, Franklin Park
Senator William Haine, Alton
James Anderson Co, Lake Bluffs
Jerry & Janice Johnson, Edinburg
Cynthia Beinhardt, Edwardsville
Matt Stanley, Louisville, KY
Thomas Stein, Franklin Park
Tiffany Taylor, Orem, UT
John Torpy & Family, Chicago
Prof. Martha Vetreace-Doody, Chicago

Centennial Donation:
Park National Bank, Chicago

General Donation:
Henry Gordon, Patchoque, NY

2007 Membership Dues

Be watching your mail box for your 2007 renewal notice. They'll be mailed out the first week of October. In order to keep receiving your 2007 publications without interruption in service you need to have your dues paid no later than 12/31/2006.

Address Changes:

Please make sure you send us your new address at least 6 weeks in advance of your moving date to insure no interruption in your service.

Illinois Heritage is published by The Illinois State Historical Society and printed by William Street Press, Decatur. The Society is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and promoting the heritage and culture of Illinois. Articles and reviews appearing in Illinois Heritage are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and in America: History and Life.

Illinois Heritage (ISSN 1094-0596) is published six times a year by The Illinois State Historical Society, 210 1/2 South Sixth Street, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62701-1503. It is distributed without charge to members of The Illinois State Historical Society. Membership dues are: Student $30.00 Journal only (Full time-current I.D. required); General-Individual-AIMHS-Teacher-School-Libraries, $50; FamiIy-$60; Sustaining-Supporting-Organizational Partner-$75.00; Donor-Contributing-Business Partner-$250-499; Patron-$500.00; Lincoln Silver-$1,000.00 Single issues, when available, are $5.00 each postpaid. A limited number of back issues are available.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Illinois Heritage, The Illinois State Historical Society, 210 1/2 South Sixth Street, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62701-1503.

Copyright ©2006 The Illinois State Historical Society.


Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library