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I t ' s   y o u r   m o v e

I grew up playing checkers, but I have no idea who taught me. It's just one of those childhood games I learned, like "hide and seek" or "pin the tail on the donkey." But I do remember the simple game my grandmother taught me, which subtly changed my way of thinking about the world.


"Take Me" is played on a checkerboard, with the pieces set up exactly as in a checkers match. But the object of the game is to let your opponent take (jump) your pieces before she can make you jump all of hers. The victor, in this case, wins the game by having nothing left to show at the end. Though she didn't know it, my grandmother was teaching me about philanthropy.

I was reminded of the game years later after reading a quote from Andrew Carnegie, the industrialist and founder of the Carnegie public library system, who said, "The man who dies rich, dies disgraced." Though Carnegie accumulated a tremendous fortune, before he died he gave away more than $56 million to build libraries across the nation. My grandmother was no Andrew Carnegie, but she did have a way of giving that inspired others.

Whether you're an Andrew Carnegie or a grandmother, I'm asking you to be a philanthropist this fall and donate to the Illinois State Historical Society. The 2006 Membership Challenge goal is $100,000, which will help the Society build its endowment (it pays the bills and sustains the organization) and give us the means to develop and fulfill our mission.

Have you ever considered what it costs to print a single issue of Illinois Heritage or the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society? Did you ever wonder how many staff hours and volunteers it takes to put on the Illinois History Symposium, the Centennial Awards Banquet, or the Annual Meeting and Heritage Tour? You would be surprised at the expense but encouraged by the frugal, responsible way the staff and board of directors work together to keep our programs and events running smoothly.

As a member of the Illinois State Historical Society, you value the work of our 107-year-old organization and believe in the importance of sharing our history with others. But we need your continued support. Help us meet the challenges of the future by building on our past.

Consider a memorial gift, a stock transfer, a membership for a friend or student. Bequests are a blessing. Spread your gift out for several months or make it part of your year-end donation. Any amount is welcome. The Society is a registered 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization and your gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

So this fall, let your inner philanthropist go wild. Change the rules. Give until you win.

It's your move.

William Furry        
Executive Director


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