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As a new feature in the [words missing from this article] will include in each issue a column for officers and board members. This column is intended to stimulate "communication" between officers and the members.

It was my privilege to greet some of the new members at Holiday Inn East following the annual conference in Springfield. To those who were unable to attend the conference, or to remain long enough for the informal luncheon, permit me to say "Welcome Aboard". To those of you who attended, thanks for coming and participating in our discussion.

On behalf of our Springfield hosts, and of course our staff, I want to thank our many friends, advertisers, exhibitors and all others who sent commendation letters on the Annual Conference. The conference is our "big show" every year, it involves much earful planning and frequently headaches, so the many letters with generous comments were most welcome.

The Committee on Membership is to be considerably expanded as "membership" will command great emphasis in the coming year. It is my intention to get ALL members involved in Association activities—no member is to feel he is "standing alone"! Furthermore, a campaign will be organized to increase the membership from 60 % of potential to perhaps 80 or 85 percent.

Committees on Honors, on Public Relations, the Annual Conference, Res-[words missing from this article] are to be retained and new appointments will be announced after the December board meeting. There will be new committees established, one to plan a seminar on Elections and another on Non-staff Park Districts.

The Board of Directors will work with Art Schultz in an effort to again give a lift to the magazine. In an early issue a new format will be introduced and effort will be reviewed to more closely meet a time schedule. A new editor, Shirley Roberts, has been employed. Miss Roberts previously was with the Illinois Association of Real Estate Boards. More information regarding Miss Roberts will be in the March-April issue of Illinois Parks.

Considering the magazine and annual conference, I cannot omit paying tribute to the professional employees who participate year after year. Dick Johns and his committee did a fine job the conference and many other executives helped the magazine through their contributions. We already had numerous conversations with 'Chick" Pezoldt, president of the Illinois Park and Recreation Society, anticipating a year of close coordination of our programs.

Art Schultz reports that the insurance program is still enjoying steady growth. The plan got off to a slow start but its operations are now encouraging. Numerous claims have been adjusted and a very substantial level of service has now been achieved.

Illinois Parks 2 January-February 1970

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